Legal Resources for Representing Yourself in Court
The Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library cannot offer legal advice or interpret the law.
Persons who represent themselves, also called pro se litigants, are held to the same standards of preparation and compliance with court rules and procedures that attorneys must follow, so you should carefully consider whether your one chance to have a case resolved in your favor might be at risk if you proceed without the help of a lawyer. (“Representing Yourself.” State of Maine Judicial Branch. 28 April 2016.)
Maine State Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service
For a small fee, this service will help you find a lawyer for your specific situation.
Unbundled Legal Services
If you can’t afford a lawyer to handle your whole case and you’re willing to do some of the legal work yourself, you can arrange for limited, or “unbundled”, legal services. In other words, “you pay less in legal fees if you can do some of the work.”
Legal Aid Resources in Maine
Some organizations offer free or low-cost legal help to clients who meet certain eligibility requirements (i.e. age, income, location, disability).
Maine Judicial Branch website
The Maine Courts website has a lot of information for people who are representing themselves in court, including guides, forms, and contact information.
Structure of the Maine Court System
This chart provides an at-a-glance description of which courts handle which kinds of cases.
Maine Judicial Branch Court Help Videos
These short videos will help self-represented parties fill out court forms, participate in court proceedings, and better understand court processes and procedures.
Maine Judicial Branch Help Topics
Includes websites on abuse & harassment, divorce, guardianship, criminal cases, jury service, families and children, eviction, foreclosure, small claims, alternative dispute resolution, and appeals.
Maine eCourts
The Judicial Branch's new eFiling, online payment, electronic court records, and electronic case management system. Training and resources are available on the website. eFiling is currently only available in a small number of jurisdictions and is optional for most filers.
Black's law dictionary / Bryan A. Garner, editor in chief. St. Paul, MN : Thomson Reuters, [2024]
Location: Dictionary Stand
LAW.COM dictionary
Nolo's Free Dictionary of Law Terms and Legal Definitions
Words and phrases / St. Paul, West Publishing Company [1940-
These books contains the meanings of words and phrases as they are defined in written court opinions.
Call number: KF 156 .W67 (Updated 2024)
Court Rules
Court Rules explain in detail the procedures you must follow for your case to be considered by the Courts. For example, the Court Rules explain how much time you have to file documents and how documents should be formatted.
Maine Rules of Civil Procedure
Maine Rules of Evidence
Maine court rules : state edition / Wellington Lyons, editor. Standish, Me. : Tower Publishing, c2005-
Official version of the Court Rules.
Location: Maine Set, see Court Rules
West's Maine rules of court annotated / [Eagan, MN] : West/Thomson Reuters, c2010-
Another version of the Court Rules. Annotated means that the publisher has added notes after each rule. These notes include court cases that interpret the statute and a history of the changes to it. Available online through Westlaw at the Law Library’s public computer terminals.
Location: Maine Set, see Court Rules
Guidance & Forms
American jurisprudence pleading and practice forms annotated / San Francisco, Calif., Bancroft-Whitney Co.: Rochester, N.Y., Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co., 1966-
“Comprehensive collection of more than 43,000 drafted, practice- and court-tested state and federal forms, checklists, and timetables needed for every stage of a case. Includes commentary and “how to” guidance.” Available online through Westlaw at the Law Library’s public computer terminals.
Call number: KF8836 .A45 (Updated 2024)
Drafting pleadings and motions : presented Wednesday, September 29, 2010, Hilton Garden Inn, Freeport / [Augusta, Me.] : Maine State Bar Association, c2010
This guide gives advice on filing motions for summary judgment, appellate briefs, administrative appeals (i.e. appeals of a government agency decision), and motions to allow or limit the admission of evidence.
Call number: KF8870.Z99 M25 2010
Maine civil practice / by Charles Harvey, edition by Thomas B. Merritt. [Eagan, Minn.] : West, c2012-
This book helps explain the Rules of Civil Procedure (i.e. Court Rules). It also contains sample complaints.
Call number: KF8816.Z99 M2 2024
Maine Court forms
Paper forms can be obtained from any District Court or Superior Court clerk's office. Many paper forms are free. There is a $5.00 charge for some forms, such as a Summons, that require the Clerk's signature and Court seal. For common kinds of cases such as divorce, protection from abuse, and small claims, the District Court clerks have packets of the necessary forms.
This book, "summarizes the legal requirements of virtually every cause of action based in tort in Maine". It covers topics such as trespass to land, premises liability, products liability, defamation and privacy, and government torts.
Available remotely via the LexisNexis Digital Library. Please ask a Librarian.
Call number: KF 1215 .Z99 M245 2018 (Updated 2023)
Pine Tree Legal Assistance
Pine Tree Legal Assistance is a non-profit organization that provides free legal help to low-income people in Maine. Their website contains explanations and guidance on a number of legal issues.
A practical guide to discovery and depositions in Maine / edited by John P. Giffune ... [and others]. Boston, MA : Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, 2014
Covers the discovery phase of civil litigation, including depositions, interrogatories, and production of documents.
Call number: KF8900.Z99 G54 2014 (Updated 2022)
A practical guide to Superior Court practice in Maine / editors, Hon. Thomas E. Humphrey, William D. Robitzek ; authors, Travis Brennan and 34 others. Boston, MA : MCLE New England, 2022
Covers civil, criminal, and administrative appeals, drafting pleading and motions in civil cases, civil and criminal motion practice, civil and criminal discovery, and much more.
Call number: KF8736.Z99 M3 2022
Represent yourself in court : prepare & try a winning case / by Paul Bergman & Sara J. Berman; cartoons by Mike Twohy. Berkeley, Calif. : Nolo, 2022
Written for non-lawyers, this book provides guidance on: getting help from an attorney or legal coach, filing court papers, dealing with the court clerk and judge, and taking a case through trial. It includes sample forms and language.
Call number: KF8841 .B47 2022
Representing yourself (pro se) / United States District Court, District of Maine
The links on this page are designed to provide self-represented persons involved in a civil lawsuit with resources to assist them in the task of representing themselves in court. Please note, these resources are for people representing themselves in federal court.
Trial handbook for Maine lawyers / by Thomas B. Merritt. Eagan, Minn. : Thomson West, 2007
Basic principles of Maine civil and criminal trial law.
Call number: KF8915.Z99 M23 2007 (Updated 2024)
Court Rules
Court Rules explain in detail the procedures that must be followed by the prosecution and defense in a presenting and defending a criminal case.
Maine Rules of Unified Criminal Procedure
Maine Rules of Evidence
Maine court rules : state edition / Wellington Lyons, editor. Standish, Me. : Tower Publishing, c2005-
Official version of the Court Rules.
Location: Maine Set, see Court Rules
West's Maine rules of court annotated / [Eagan, MN] : West/Thomson Reuters, c2010-
Another version of the Court Rules. Annotated means that the publisher has added notes after each rule. These notes include court cases that interpret the statute and a history of the changes to it. Available online through Westlaw at the Law Library’s public computer terminals.
Location: Maine Set, see Court Rules
Guidance & Forms
American jurisprudence pleading and practice forms annotated / San Francisco, Calif., Bancroft-Whitney Co.: Rochester, N.Y., Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co., 1966-
“Comprehensive collection of more than 43,000 drafted, practice- and court-tested state and federal forms, checklists, and timetables needed for every stage of a case. Includes commentary and “how to” guidance.” Available online through Westlaw at the Law Library’s public computer terminals.
Call number: KF8836 .A45 (Updated 2024)
The criminal law handbook : know your rights, survive the system / Paul Bergman, J.D. & Sara J. Berman, J.D. Berkeley, California : Nolo, 2022
Written for non-lawyers, this book provides detailed guidance on being involved in a criminal incident, including police questioning, arrest, plea bargains, trial, and sentencing.
Call number: KF9619.6 .B47 2022
Domestic violence practice and procedure / Isabelle Scott; updated by Nancy McKenna. [Eagan, MN] : Thomson/West, c2011-
This book covers domestic violence in divorce and custody cases, federal and state law on the topic, litigating domestic violence cases, defending charges of domestic violence, and much more.
Call number: KF505 .L43 2024
A Guide for Families in Juvenile Cases. State of Maine Judicial Branch, 2024
A Guide to Protection from Abuse and Harassment Cases. State of Maine Judicial Branch, 2023
Maine Court forms
Paper forms can be obtained from any District Court or Superior Court clerk's office. Many paper forms are free. There is a $5.00 charge for some forms, such as a Summons, that require the Clerk's signature and Court seal. For common kinds of cases such as divorce, protection from abuse, and small claims, the District Court clerks have packets of the necessary forms.
Maine law enforcement officer's manual / by John N. Ferdico. Portland, Me : John N. Ferdico, 2022
Written for police, but also used by prosecutors, members of the judiciary, and defense counsel, this manual summarizes the laws that Maine law enforcement officers must follow in the performance of their duties, including arrest, searches, and criminal court procedure.
Call number: KF9620.Z99 M2 2022
Maine Treatment and Recovery Court Participant Handbook / State of Maine Judicial Branch, 2022
Maine Veterans Treatment Court Participant Handbook / State of Maine Judicial Branch, 2022
A practical guide to Superior Court practice in Maine / editors, Hon. Thomas E. Humphrey, William D. Robitzek ; authors, Travis Brennan and 34 others. Boston, MA : MCLE New England, 2022
Covers civil, criminal, and administrative appeals, drafting pleading and motions in civil cases, civil and criminal motion practice, civil and criminal discovery, and much more.
Call number: KF8736.Z99 M3 2022
Trial handbook for Maine lawyers / by Thomas B. Merritt. Eagan, Minn. : Thomson West, 2007
Basic principles of Maine civil and criminal trial law.
Call number: KF8915.Z99 M23 2007 (Updated 2024)
Court Rules
Court Rules explain in detail the procedures you must follow for your case to be considered by the Courts. For example, the Court Rules explain how much time you have to file documents and how documents should be formatted.
Maine Rules of Civil Procedure
Maine Rules of Evidence
Maine court rules : state edition / Wellington Lyons, editor. Standish, Me. : Tower Publishing, c2005-
Official version of the Court Rules.
Location: Maine Set, see Court Rules
West's Maine rules of court annotated / [Eagan, MN] : West/Thomson Reuters, c2010-
Another version of the Court Rules. Annotated means that the publisher has added notes after each rule. These notes include court cases that interpret the statute and a history of the changes to it. Available online through Westlaw at the Law Library’s public computer terminals.
Location: Maine Set, see Court Rules
Guidance & Forms
American jurisprudence pleading and practice forms annotated / San Francisco, Calif., Bancroft-Whitney Co.: Rochester, N.Y., Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co., 1966-
“Comprehensive collection of more than 43,000 drafted, practice- and court-tested state and federal forms, checklists, and timetables needed for every stage of a case. Includes commentary and “how to” guidance.” Available online through Westlaw at the Law Library’s public computer terminals.
Call number: KF8836 .A45 (Updated 2024)
Bridging the gap / Maine State Bar Association. Augusta, Me. : Maine State Bar Association, 2017
Chapter 13, Family Law, contains a number of sample documents for use in divorce and related matters.
Call number: KF386.Z99 B74 2017
Divorce, Custody, & Family Law topic. Pine Tree Legal Assistance.
Family Division. State of Maine Judicial Branch.
See the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the screen for additional information about child protective cases, guardians ad litem, divorce, juvenile cases, and protection from abuse.
The family law guide to appellate practice / Matthew P. Barach. Chicago : American Bar Association, [2019]
A “step-by-step guidance for the family law attorney, or a pro se litigant, who receives an adverse decision and wants to appeal the matter but requires some proper guidance.”
Call number: KF505.5 B37 2019
Family law in Maine : post-judgment motions [electronic resource]. / Bangor, Me. : Pine Tree Legal Assistance, 2016
A Guide for Families in Child Protection Cases. State of Maine Judicial Branch, 2020
A Guide to Family Separation in Maine: Divorce and Parental Rights & Responsibilities. State of Maine Judicial Branch, 2020
Maine Court forms
Paper forms can be obtained from any District Court or Superior Court clerk's office. Many paper forms are free. There is a $5.00 charge for some forms, such as a Summons, that require the Clerk's signature and Court seal. For common kinds of cases such as divorce, protection from abuse, and small claims, the District Court clerks have packets of the necessary forms.
A practical guide to divorce in Maine / Edited by Heather T. Whiting. Boston, MA : Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc., 2016
Chapters related to motion practice, discovery, expert witnesses, pretrial hearings and conferences, and trial tips.
Call number: KF535.Z99 W55 2016 (Updated 2022)
Represent yourself in court : prepare & try a winning case / by Paul Bergman & Sara J. Berman; cartoons by Mike Twohy. Berkeley, Calif. : Nolo, 2022
Chapter 21 addresses Representing Yourself in Family Court. Written for non-lawyers, this book provides guidance on getting help from an attorney or legal coach, filing court papers, dealing with the court clerk and judge, and taking a case through trial. It includes sample forms and language.
Call number: KF8841 .B47 2022
Unbundled legal services : a family lawyer's guide / Forrest S. Mosten and Elizabeth Potter Scully. Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, Section of Family Law, [2017]
Using “unbundled” legal services can be a way of hiring a lawyer in an affordable way. Though it’s from a lawyer’s perspective, this book provides details about how “unbundling” works.
Available remotely via the LexisNexis Digital Library. Please ask a Librarian.
Call number: KF299.D6 M67 2017
Court Rules
Court Rules explain in detail the procedures you must follow for your case to be considered by the Courts. For example, the Court Rules explain how a brief should be formatted.
Maine Rules of Appellate Procedure
Maine court rules : state edition / Wellington Lyons, editor. Standish, Me. : Tower Publishing, c2005-
Official version of the Court Rules.
Location: Maine Set, see Court Rules
West's Maine rules of court annotated / [Eagan, MN] : West/Thomson Reuters, c2010-
Another version of the Court Rules. Annotated means that the publisher has added notes after each rule. These notes include court cases that interpret the statute and a history of the changes to it. Available online through Westlaw at the Law Library’s public computer terminals.
Location: Maine Set, see Court Rules
Guidance & Forms
American jurisprudence pleading and practice forms annotated / San Francisco, Calif., Bancroft-Whitney Co.: Rochester, N.Y., Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co., 1966-
“Comprehensive collection of more than 43,000 drafted, practice- and court-tested state and federal forms, checklists, and timetables needed for every stage of a case. Includes commentary and “how to” guidance.” Available online through Westlaw at the Law Library’s public computer terminals.
Call number: KF8836 .A45 (Updated 2024)
Appellate practice before the Law Court / Maine State Bar Association. Augusta, Me. : The Association, 2008
This publication provides guidance on filing an appeal, preparing a brief and appendix, interacting with the Clerk’s Office and law clerks, and oral arguments.
Call number: KF9050.Z99 M26 2008
Appellate practice before the Maine Supreme Judicial Court / Maine State Bar Association. [Augusta, Maine] : Maine State Bar Association, May 20, 2016
Provides guidance on filing an appeal, preparing a brief and appendix, and oral arguments.
Call number: KF9050.Z99 M27 2016
A Citizen’s Guide to Appeals (Filing and Maintaining an Appeal). State of Maine Judicial Branch.
The family law guide to appellate practice / Matthew P. Barach. Chicago : American Bar Association, [2019]
A “step-by-step guidance for the family law attorney, or a pro se litigant, who receives an adverse decision and wants to appeal the matter but requires some proper guidance.”
Call number: KF505.5 B37 2019
Maine appellate practice / Donald G. Alexander. Standish, Me. : Tower Publishing, c 2022
This book helps explain the Rules of Appellate Procedure and includes guidance on writing an effective Law Court brief.
Call number: KF9050.Z99 M24 2022
Maine civil practice / by Charles Harvey, edition by Thomas B. Merritt. [Eagan, Minn.] : West, c2012-
Volume 3A addresses the Rules of Appellate Procedure. This book helps explain the Court Rules.
Call number: KF8816.Z99 M2 2024
Maine Court forms
Paper forms can be obtained from any District Court or Superior Court clerk's office. Many paper forms are free. There is a $5.00 charge for some forms, such as a Summons, that require the Clerk's signature and Court seal. For common kinds of cases such as divorce, protection from abuse, and small claims, the District Court clerks have packets of the necessary forms.
A practical guide to Superior Court practice in Maine / editors, Hon. Thomas E. Humphrey, William D. Robitzek ; authors, Travis Brennan and 34 others. Boston, MA : MCLE New England, 2022
Covers civil, criminal, and administrative appeals, drafting pleading and motions in civil cases, civil and criminal motion practice, civil and criminal discovery, and much more.
Call number: KF8736.Z99 M3 2022
Court Rules
Court Rules explain in detail the procedures you must follow for your case to be considered by the Courts. For example, the Court Rules explain how much time you have to file documents and how documents should be formatted.
Maine Rules of Civil Procedure
Maine Rules of Evidence
Maine court rules : state edition / Wellington Lyons, editor. Standish, Me. : Tower Publishing, c2005-
Official version of the Court Rules.
Location: Maine Set, see Court Rules
West's Maine rules of court annotated / [Eagan, MN] : West/Thomson Reuters, c2010-
Another version of the Court Rules. Annotated means that the publisher has added notes after each rule. These notes include court cases that interpret the statute and a history of the changes to it. Available online through Westlaw at the Law Library’s public computer terminals.
Location: Maine Set, see Court Rules
Guidance & Forms
Contested Violations. State of Maine Judicial Branch.
Drinking/driving litigation : criminal and civil / Donald H. Nichols, Flem K. Whited, III. St. Paul, MN : West Group, c1998-
“Covers DUI legal issues including challenging prior convictions, arrests, chemical testing, the criminal consequences of test refusal, sentencing, and appeal... Provides step-by-step guidance on trying drinking/driving cases.”
Call number: KF2231 .N53 (Updated 2024)
Maine Motor Vehicle Inspection Manual
Published by the Maine State Police Traffic Safety Unit, this manual includes the, “safety inspection standards and criteria for the inspection of a motor vehicle, motorcycle, commercial vehicle, school bus, or trailer.”
Strategies for Fighting a Traffic Ticket website with tips for fighting a speeding or traffic ticket.
Traffic Violations FAQ. State of Maine Judicial Branch.
What Works (and Doesn't Work) in Traffic Court website that provides strategies to help beat a traffic ticket.
Court Rules
Court Rules explain in detail the procedures you must follow for your case to be considered by the Courts.
Maine Rules of Small Claims Procedure
Maine Rules of Evidence
Guidance & Forms
Everybody's guide to small claims court / Attorney Cara O’Neill, [Berkeley, California] : Nolo, 2022
Written for non-lawyers, this book helps you decide if small claims court is right for your situation. It provides guidance on initiating a case, going to court, and collecting money as part of a judgment. Provides detailed information for certain types of cases: motor vehicle purchase, repair, and accident, bad debts, landlord-tenant, disputes between businesses, and more. Includes brief summaries of small claims court rules for all 50 states.
Call number: KF8769 .O54 2022
Guide to Small Claims Cases. State of Maine Judicial Branch.
Maine Court forms
Paper forms can be obtained from any District Court or Superior Court clerk's office. Many paper forms are free. There is a $5.00 charge for some forms, such as a Summons, that require the Clerk's signature and Court seal. For common kinds of cases such as divorce, protection from abuse, and small claims, the District Court clerks have packets of the necessary forms.
Court Rules
Court Rules explain in detail the procedures you must follow for your case to be considered by the Courts. For example, the Court Rules explain how much time you have to file documents and how documents should be formatted.
Maine Rules of Probate Procedure
Maine Rules of Evidence
Guidance & Forms
Bridging the gap / Maine State Bar Association. Augusta, Me. : Maine State Bar Association, 2017
Chapter 18, Probate Practice, provides an introduction to the Maine Probate Court, an overview of the estate administration process in Maine, and information about representing estate beneficiaries, guardianships, and conservatorships.
Call number: KF386.Z99 B74 2017
Provides links to 20+ fillable probate forms.
This continuing legal education (CLE) program provides a summary of significant changes to Maine's minor guardianship and adoption statutes as a result of the 2019 revision to the Maine Probate Code.
Call number: KF765.Z99 M28 2019
This practice guide seeks to help those new to estate administration understand the Maine probate code.
Available remotely via the LexisNexis Digital Library. Please ask a Librarian.
Call number: KF765.Z99 M226 2025
A practical guide to probate in Maine / editors Miles C. Hunt, Philip C. Hurt. Boston, MA: MCLE New England, 2023.
An up-to-date practice guide to probate matters in Maine, including formal and informal probate, powers and duties of the personal representative, trusts and trustees, and will contests.
Call number: KF765.Z99 M32 2023
ALWD guide to legal citation / Association of Legal Writing Directors and Carolyn V. Williams. Federick, MD : Wolters Kluwer, [2021].
The ALWD Manual is a commonly-used guide to citing authority within legal documents.
Call number: KF245 .A45 2021
The bluebook : a uniform system of citation / Cambridge, Massachusetts : Published and distributed by the Harvard Law Review Association, ©2020
The Bluebook is a commonly-used guide to citing authority within legal documents.
Call number: KF245 .B59 2020
Interactive citation workbook for ALWD guide to legal citation [electronic resource]. Jeffrey D Jackson. Cleveland : LexisNexis, 2021
“This workbook contains citation exercises used to teach familiarity with the organization and use of the ALWD Guide to Legal Citation.”
Available remotely via the LexisNexis Digital Library. Please ask a Librarian.
Interactive citation workbook for the bluebook: a uniform system of citation [electronic resource]. Tracy L.M. Norton. Cleveland : LexisNexis, 2021
“This workbook contains citation exercises used to teach familiarity with the organization and use of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.”
Available remotely via the LexisNexis Digital Library. Please ask a Librarian.
Legal writing and analysis in a nutshell / Lynn Bahrych, Jeanne Merino, Beth McLellan. St. Paul, MN : West Academic Publishing, [2017]
“This book provides a ten-step guide to clear, precise, and effective legal writing and analysis for both law students and experienced lawyers.”
Available remotely via the LexisNexis Digital Library. Please ask a Librarian.
Call number: KF250 .S68 2017
Prince's dictionary of legal citations: a reference guide for attorneys, legal secretaries, paralegals, and law students / Julie Roberts Fergerson. Getzville, New York : William S. Hein & Co., 2021
Court name, law journal, and treatise abbreviations for use in legal citations.
Call number: KF246 .P73 2021
The redbook : a manual on legal style / Bryan A. Garner with Jeff Newman, Tiger Jackson. Eagan, MN: West Academic Publishing, [2023]
This book provides detailed guidance on how to write legal documents. It also helps explain the purpose of and provides examples of numerous legal documents (e.g. motions, pleadings, briefs).
Call number: KF250 .G375 2023
Uniform Maine Citations. University of Maine School of Law.
“Rules for the citation of Maine legal authorities, including constitutional provisions, statutory and legislative materials, judicial decisions, court rules, treatises, periodicals…”
User's guide to the Bluebook / Alan L. Dworsky ; references updated by Jason Geer. Buffalo, N.Y. : William S. Hein, 2020
A brief, simplified guide to legal citations based on the authoritative Bluebook.
Call number: KF245 .D853 2020
Updated 2/27/2025