Visit Us
The Law and Legislative Reference library is a public library. We welcome all visitors. Residents of Maine may borrow any of our lending resources.
8 AM - 5 PM, Monday - Friday
Irregular night and weekend hours when the House or Senate is meeting.
Closed all state and federal holidays. Any additional legislative closures will be posted on our "Ask A Law Librarian" page.
The Library is located in the State House on the corners of Capitol and State Streets in Augusta. The west entrance, facing the Cross Office Building, is open to the public. The Law Library is on the 2nd floor.
- Directions to the State House and information on parking
- Additional visitor information, including security screening.
The library fills the second floor of the north wing of the State House. The library itself is comprised of a main floor and a mezzanine.
The library houses six historical portraits of former legislators, judges and members of Congress. The Law Library keeps in its Reference Collection information about the portraits and their subjects, as well as an inventory of all the portraits hanging throughout the building and their locations.
Portraits in other parts of the State House can be found using our guide.
Research computers are available for patrons to use. Printed fees are 10 cents per page. The following resources are available on the public computers :
- Bill Status
- Canadian Legal Materials
- Consumer Law (companion websites to NCLC print titles in our collection)
- Digitized committee files
- HeinOnline (full-text journals, state session laws, English Reports, historical Federal Register, et al.)
- Internet
- LLMC Digital Collections (non-profit multi-state digitized legal materials)
- Maine : An Encyclopedia
- Digital Maine Library (formerly MARVEL!) (Maine's virtual library which residents can also access from their home computers)
- News clip collection
- Dirigo catalog
- WestlawNext
- WordPad & OpenOffice
3/19/2025 A-Z List
The Law and Legislative Reference library is a public library. We welcome all visitors. Residents of Maine may borrow any of our lending resources. HOURS AND CLOSINGS8 AM - 5 PM, Monday - Friday PHYSICAL LOCATIONThe Library is located in the State House on the corners of Capitol and State Streets in Augusta. The west entrance, facing the Cross Office Building, is open to the public. The Law Library is on the 2nd floor.
INSIDE THE LIBRARYThe library fills the second floor of the north wing of the State House. The library itself is comprised of a main floor and a mezzanine. The library houses six historical portraits of former legislators, judges and members of Congress. The Law Library keeps in its Reference Collection information about the portraits and their subjects, as well as an inventory of all the portraits hanging throughout the building and their locations. Portraits in other parts of the State House can be found using our guide. PUBLIC COMPUTERSResearch computers are available for patrons to use. Printed fees are 10 cents per page. The following resources are available on the public computers :
3/19/2025 A-Z List |