Catalogs, Databases & Indexes
Law Libraries - Directory page with links to US and some Canadian law library catalogs.
MaineCat - A service of InfoNet. Includes a combined statewide catalog that includes Dirigo and Minerva participants and the catalogs of Bates, Bowdoin, and Colby, Portland Public, Maine College of Art, Maine Maritime, University of New England.
Minerva - The "Maine Info Net Electronic Resources via Automation" . . . a single resource built from online catalogs of a growing list of Maine libraries, including public, academic, medical, and special libraries. Included in Maine InfoNet.
Dirigo - A shared catalog that includes the holdings of the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library, the Maine State Library, Portland Public Library, and Bangor Public Library.
WorldCat - The world's largest network of library content and services.
Westlaw - Passworded legal database available only to users who visit the Law Library.
HeinOnline - Access in library only.
LLMC Digital - Access in library only.
Maine's science, technology and business library - A portal to science, technology and business information resources of particular interest to Maine researchers and businesses, government agencies and officials, teachers and students, and libraries. Funded by the Legislature and available to residents of Maine.
Digital Maine Library (formerly MARVEL!) - A collection of Gale and other research databases available to residents of Maine. Part of the Maine InfoNet Project.
American Law Sources On-Line - Alphabetical list of links that includes journals published only on the Internet.
ELS Bibliography - A bibliographic database, of empirical legal studies and scholarship, created jointly by UCLA and Cornell. The database is searchable by author, title and subjects and can be limited to specific years. Content includes bibliographic data (not full-text) for articles published predominantly after 2004.
FindLaw - Topical list of links to academic law reviews and journals with a link to a list by institution.
Hieros Gamos - Alphabetical list of links to law journals, newsletters, and bulletins.
Governing Magazine - Search screens for full editorial content of Governing Magazine or selected articles with news and web-only features.
Legisbrief Index - Index to issue briefs published by the National Conference of State Legislatures created by the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library and updated as issues are received
University Law Review Project - Full text search of law review articles on the Internet.
WashLaw - Full text search with alphabetical list of law review links.
3/19/2025 A-Z List