Emergency Numbers and Equipment
The following is a list of emergency numbers and equipment available at the State House.
Number to Call
On-site Injuries & Illness
For Staff: Office of the Executive Director
Amanda Goldsmith, Human Resources Director 287-1615
For the Public: Legislative Information Office
Casey Milligan, Manager 287-1692
All on-site injuries or serious illnesses must be reported promptly to Human Resources in the Executive Director's Office at 287-1615 or for the public reported to Casey Milligan in the Legislative Information Office. If the injury or illness requires emergency attention, contact Capitol Police at 287-4357.
Note: For any workplace injury or illness that requires medical attention or results in lost work time, contact Amanda Goldsmith, Human Resources Director at 287-1615. If the treatment is minor first-aid only, you do not need to contact Amanda Goldsmith. However, the supervisor must promptly report work-related injuries/illnesses including an injury report.
Automated Electronic Devices (defibrilators)
An AED is a portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses certain potentially lifethreatening cardiac conditions and treats them through defibrillation to re-establish a normal heart rhythm. AED's are designed to be simple to use by lay persons.
State House
1st Floor - Near State House Security Kiosk
2nd Floor - South Wing next to the Elevator
3rd Floor - South Wing next to the Elevator
- Chamber Staff Office, RM 314
- Senate Chamber
4th Floor - South Wing next to the Elevator
Cross Office Building
2nd Floor - Near Women's Bathroom
First Aid Kits
- Welcome Center in the State House (East Wall, includes eye wash station)
- House Sergeant at Arms' Office (3rd Floor, State House)
Fire Extinguishers
Dry chemical fire extinguishers are located in prominent locations along corridors on each floor of the State House and on the second floor of the Cross Building.
Wheel Chairs
For use while in the State House or Cross Building. Contact Casey Milligan, Legislative Information Office Manager at 287-1692.
- At 1st floor south stairwell in the Cross Building
- Clerk's Office (3rd floor, Room 300 in the State House)
The following is a list of emergency numbers and equipment available at the State House.
Number to Call
For Emergencies | 911 (provide location) |
Emergency Call boxes | calls connect directly to Capitol Police dispatch |
Capitol Police | 287-4357 (287-HELP) |
Building Control | 287-4154 |
Augusta Police Department (Non-emergency) | 626-2370 |
Augusta Police Department (TDD/TTY) | 626-3003 |
MaineGeneral Medical Center | 626-1000 |
MaineGeneral Medical Center (TDD/TTY) | 626-1005 |
Northern New England Poison Control Center | 800-222-1222 |
Northern New England Poison Control Center (TDD/TTY) | 800-442-6305 |
On-site Injuries & Illness
For Staff: Office of the Executive Director
Amanda Goldsmith, Human Resources Director 287-1615
For the Public: Legislative Information Office
Casey Milligan, Manager 287-1692
All on-site injuries or serious illnesses must be reported promptly to Human Resources in the Executive Director's Office at 287-1615 or for the public reported to Casey Milligan in the Legislative Information Office. If the injury or illness requires emergency attention, contact Capitol Police at 287-4357.
Note: For any workplace injury or illness that requires medical attention or results in lost work time, contact Amanda Goldsmith, Human Resources Director at 287-1615. If the treatment is minor first-aid only, you do not need to contact Amanda Goldsmith. However, the supervisor must promptly report work-related injuries/illnesses including an injury report.
Automated Electronic Devices (defibrilators)
An AED is a portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses certain potentially lifethreatening cardiac conditions and treats them through defibrillation to re-establish a normal heart rhythm. AED's are designed to be simple to use by lay persons.
State House
1st Floor - Near State House Security Kiosk
2nd Floor - South Wing next to the Elevator
3rd Floor - South Wing next to the Elevator
- Chamber Staff Office, RM 314
- Senate Chamber
4th Floor - South Wing next to the Elevator
Cross Office Building
2nd Floor - Near Women's Bathroom
First Aid Kits
- Welcome Center in the State House (East Wall, includes eye wash station)
- House Sergeant at Arms' Office (3rd Floor, State House)
Fire Extinguishers
Dry chemical fire extinguishers are located in prominent locations along corridors on each floor of the State House and on the second floor of the Cross Building.
Wheel Chairs
For use while in the State House or Cross Building. Contact Casey Milligan, Legislative Information Office Manager at 287-1692.
- At 1st floor south stairwell in the Cross Building
- Clerk's Office (3rd floor, Room 300 in the State House)