Representative Sharon Frost
New Sharon/ Vienna/ Belgrade/ Mount Vernon/ Fayette/Rome
House Deistrict 58
Rep. Sharon Frost is serving her first term in the Maine House.
A former educator, Frost has devoted herself to volunteering in schools. She is dedicated to investing in public education to retain graduates who will go on to strengthen Maine’s economy.
Frost is also passionate about protecting Maine’s environment and natural resources. She formerly worked as an agro-forestry volunteer in the Peace Corps and now supports local lakes associations and conservation groups.
She is also concerned about the mental health struggles affecting many Mainers today, and fully supports social workers, counselors and mental health advocates.
Frost loves to travel and enjoys exploring new cultures. She also loves to garden, read and hike with her dogs in Maine’s beautiful mountains. She cherishes any opportunity to gather with her husband, three daughters and friends for a meal with lots of laughter!
Committee Work
Rep. Frost is member of the the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Veterans and Legal Affairs.
Matters Handled by the committee:
Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry - Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; agricultural development; agricultural fairs, products and marketing; animal control and welfare; harness racing; food policy; food safety, inspection and labeling; dairy industry; pest management and pesticides regulation; industrial hemp; state parks, historic sites, public lands and submerged lands; Maine Land Use Planning Commission; geological surveying and mapping; Maine Forest Service; timber harvesting; industrial hemp; the Land for Maine’s Future Program; and Baxter State Park.
Veterans and Legal Affairs - Alcoholic beverage laws; adult-use marijuana regulation; lottery; for profit and nonprofit gambling, including games of chance, beano and raffles; slot machines, gaming devices; harness racing and off-track betting; election laws; campaign practices; campaign financing and disclosures; the Maine Clean Election Act; voter registration; direct initiatives and people’s veto; legislative ethics; lobbyist registration and reporting; Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices; veterans’ programs; Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management Services (except the Maine Emergency Management Agency); Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations; Gambling Control Board; and Maine National Guard.
For more information on the Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee or to sign up for advance notice of public hearings click here and for Veterans and Legal Affairs click here.
Contact Me
If you need help with an issue or have any questions, please email Representative Frost at