LD 2111
pg. 3
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LR 3212
Item 1

4.__First meeting; chair.__The Executive Director of the
Legislative Council shall call the first meeting of the advisory
committee as soon as funding permits.__At the first meeting, the
advisory committee shall select a chair from among its members
and may select a new chair annually.

5. Meetings.__The advisory committee may meet as often as
necessary but not fewer than 4 times a year.__A meeting may be
called by the chair or by any 4 members.

6. Duties and powers.__The advisory committee:

A.__Shall provide guidance in ensuring access to public
records and proceedings and help to establish an effective
process to address general compliance issues and respond to
requests for interpretation and clarification of the laws;

B.__Shall serve as the central source and coordinator of
information about the freedom of access laws and the
people's right to know.__The advisory committee shall
provide the basic information about the requirements of the
law and the best practices for agencies and public
officials.__The advisory committee shall also provide
general information about the freedom of access laws for a
wider and deeper understanding of citizens' rights and their
role in open government.__The advisory committee shall
coordinate the education efforts by providing information
about the freedom of access laws and who to contact for
specific inquiries;

C.__Shall serve as a resource to support the establishment
and maintenance of a central publicly accessible website
that provides the text of the freedom of access laws and
provides specific guidance on how a member of the public can
use the law to be a better informed and active participant
in open government.__The website must include the contact
information for agencies, as well as who to contact with
complaints and concerns.__The website must also include, or
contain a link to, a list of statutory exceptions to the
public records laws;

D.__Shall serve as a resource to support training and
education about the freedom of access laws.__Although each
agency is responsible for training for the specific records
and meetings pertaining to that agency's mission, the
advisory committee shall provide core resources for the
training, share best practices experiences and support the
establishment and maintenance of online training as well as
written question-and-answer summaries about specific topics;

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