LD 1673
pg. 14
Page 13 of 16 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Study Maine's Comm... Page 15 of 16
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LR 2373
Item 1

Sec. 17. Hearing process review. The Department of Health and Human
Services shall review the existing hearing process provided in the
laws governing certificates of need, the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 22, chapter 103-A, to determine whether that process ensures
that the Commissioner of Health and Human Services has all the
information needed to make a fair and accurate determination of
whether each project proposed for certification meets the needs of
Maine citizens. The Department of Health and Human Services shall
conduct the review described and then report its findings and any
proposed changes to the laws governing certificates of need to the
Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services no later than
January 1, 2006.

Sec. 18. Review of staffing; fees. By January 1, 2006, the Department of
Health and Human Services shall:

1. Review and make recommendations regarding the certificate
of need program's staffing needs;

2. Review and analyze the State's current certificate of need
fees compared to certificate of need fees in other states; and

3. Make recommendations regarding possible changes in the
State's certificate of need fees necessary to adequately support
program staffing needs.

The Department of Health and Human Services shall report its
findings to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human
Services no later than January 1, 2006.


This bill enacts the recommendations of the Commission to
Study Maine's Community Hospitals established in Public Law 2003,
chapter 469, which created Dirigo Health. The Commission to
Study Maine's Community Hospitals was charged with the duty to
study the role of community hospitals in the 21st century,
including assessing cost efficiencies, cost effectiveness and
overall affordability of available health care services.
Specifically, the bill accomplishes the following.

1. It amends the Hospital Cooperation Act to make it easier
for hospitals to collaborate by reducing concerns relative to
antitrust ramifications. It also extends the Act to include
health care providers other than hospitals, and changes the short

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