LD 1673
pg. 15
Page 14 of 16 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Study Maine's Comm... Page 16 of 16
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LR 2373
Item 1

title of the law to "the Hospital and Health Care Provider
Cooperation Act."

2. It requires hospitals to submit to the Maine Health Data
Organization their annual financial information using electronic
standardized accounting template software designed by the
Governor's Office of Health Policy and Finance and provided to
hospitals by the Maine Health Data Organization.

3. It continues voluntary targets for hospitals for:

A. Hospital entity operating margins;

B. Cost increases for a mixed inpatient and outpatient
measure; and

C. Cost increases for an inpatient-only measure.

The operating margin target is not more than 3%. The mixed
inpatient and outpatient cost increase target is no more than the
forecasted increase in the hospital market basket index for the
coming federal fiscal year. The inpatient-only cost increase
target will be negotiated between the Maine Hospital Association
and the Governor's Office of Health Policy and Finance and
determined no later than October 1, 2005.

4. It instructs the Maine Hospital Association and the
Governor's Office of Health Policy and Finance to agree by
January 1, 2006 on a timetable, format and methodology for the
hospital association to measure and report on outpatient cost-
efficiency. The methodology must use the ambulatory payment
classification system as the unit of cost.

5. It requests that the Maine Hospital Association develop,
by January 1, 2006, standardized definitions of various
administrative cost categories that hospitals may use when
establishing budgets and reporting spending on administrative

6. It instructs the Governor's Office of Health Policy and
Finance to convene a health care administrative streamlining work
group to facilitate the creation and implementation of a single
portal through which hospitals can access and transmit member
eligibility, benefit and claims information from multiple
insurers. The work group is directed to investigate funding
mechanisms, including seeking outside funding for start-up and
ongoing operational costs, with the intention that the portal
become independent and sustainable over time, and ways to ensure
that savings resulting from implementation of such a portal are
passed on to purchasers in the form of rate reduction by

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