LD 1673
pg. 13
Page 12 of 16 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Study Maine's Comm... Page 14 of 16
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LR 2373
Item 1

from a list submitted by a statewide association representing

B. Four members representing insurers or other 3rd-party

C. Two members representing physician practices;

D. One member representing an organization that specializes
in the collection of health care data;

E. One member representing statewide business;

F. One member representing the Maine Quality Forum;

G. Two members representing the Department of
Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of Insurance;

H. One member representing the Department of Health and
Human Services; and

I. The chair of the Public Purchasers' Steering Group.

3. Duties. The work group shall consider the issues outlined
in subsection 1. The work group may:

A. Hold public hearings to collect information from
individuals, hospitals, health care providers, insurers,
3rd-party payors, government-sponsored health care programs
and interested organizations;

B. Consult with experts in the fields of health care and
hospitals and public policy; and

C. Examine any other issues to further the purposes of the

4. Staff assistance. The Governor's Office of Health Policy
and Finance shall staff the work group. The work group shall
work in cooperation with the Maine Hospital Association and the
Maine Association of Health Plans. The Department of Health and
Human Services and the Maine Health Data Organization shall
provide additional staff support or assistance as needed.

5. Report. The work group shall submit a report and any
suggested legislation to the Governor and the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over health and
human services matters and the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over insurance and financial
services matters no later than November 1, 2006.

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