LD 1324
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act To Improve Access to Affordable Prescription Drugs Page 3 of 4
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LR 1608
Item 1

(6)__Disease state management programs; and

(7)__Information for professionals licensed to
prescribe drugs regarding price and efficacy and
strategies for decreasing the costs to the patient,
payor and health care system.

B.__The council shall study licensing, certification and
educational requirements for a person employed by a
manufacturer or labeler to provide information and education
with regard to prescription drugs, including information
described in section 2698-A, subsection 4, paragraph B.

C.__The council shall monitor federal benefits and
requirements under the Medicaid program under the United
States Social Security Act, Title XIX; the Medicare
Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of
2003, Public Law 108-173; and federally sponsored health
services for veterans.__The council shall consider
strategies for maximizing federal benefits, taking advantage
of possible savings for the State and coordinating services
and benefits for persons who qualify for those programs.

D.__The council shall research obtaining prescription drugs
from outside the country on a wholesale or retail basis,
including cost and safety considerations and the procedures
for all necessary waivers and permission from the Federal
Government to permit the State or persons within the State
to import prescription drugs.

E.__The council shall study establishing a state
prescription drug patient assistance program that would rely
on the voluntary participation of manufacturers and labelers
to centralize and streamline their patient assistance

3.__Membership.__The council consists of 20 members.__The term
of appointment is 3 years.__A member may serve more than one
term.__A member may serve until the member's successor has been
appointed. The membership consists of:

A.__The Commissioner of Health and Human Services, or the
commissioner's designee, who shall serve as chair;

B.__The Commissioner of Corrections, or the commissioner's

C.__The Director of the Bureau of Medical Services, or the
director's designee;

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