LD 509
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Page 26 of 183 An Act To Adopt the Maine Uniform Securities Act Page 28 of 183
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LR 441
Item 1

not diminish state authority to investigate and bring enforcement
actions generally with respect to securities transactions.

The States are authorized to require filings of any document
filed with the SEC for notice purposes "together with annual or
periodic reports of the value of securities sold or offered to be
sold to persons located in the State (if such sales data is not
included in documents filed with the Commission), solely for
notice purposes and the assessment of any fee, together with a
consent to service of process and any required fee." Section
18(c)(2). However, no filing or fee may be required with respect
to any listed security that is a covered security under Section
18(b)(1) (traded on specified stock markets). Section 302 of this
Act addresses notice filings and fees applicable to federal
covered securities.

10. Section 102(8): Filing: Prior Provision: RUSA Section
101(4). The RUSA definition was revised to recognize that records
may be filed in paper form or electronically with the
administrator, or designees such as the Web-CRD (Central
Registration Depository) or Investment Adviser Registration
Depository (IARD) or the Securities and Exchange Commission's
Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval System (EDGAR)
or successor systems.

In the RUSA definition, the term "filed" referred to "actual
delivery of a document or application." This Act substitutes the
term "record" which is defined in Section 102(25) to refer
broadly to "information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or
that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is
retrievable in perishable form". This definition requires the
receipt of a record. The definition does not limit filing to any
specific medium such as mail, certified mail, or a particular
electronic system. The definition is intended to permit an
administrator to accept filings over the Internet or through a
direct modem system, both of which are now used to transmit
documents to EDGAR, or through new electronic systems as they

"Receipt" refers to the actual delivery of a record to the
administrator or a designee and does not refer to a subsequent
examination of the record by the administrator. See, e.g.,
Fehrman v. Blunt, 825 S.W.2d 658 (Mo. Ct. App. 1992). If a
deficient form was provided to a designee, but not provided to
the administrator because of the deficiency, it would not be
filed under this definition.

11. Section 102(9): Fraud, deceit and defraud: Prior
Provisions: 1956 Act Section 401(d); RUSA Section 101(6). This
definition, which is identical to the 1956 Act and RUSA, codifies

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