LD 509
pg. 26
Page 25 of 183 An Act To Adopt the Maine Uniform Securities Act Page 27 of 183
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LR 441
Item 1

Commission (SEC) (or any tier or segment of their trading) if the
SEC determines by rule that their listing standards are
substantially similar to those of the NYSE, Amex, or Nasdaq
National Market System, which the SEC has done through Rule 146;
and any security of the same issuer that is equal in seniority or
senior to any security listed on the NYSE, Amex, or Nasdaq National
Market System;

(2) securities issued by an investment company registered with
the SEC (or one that has filed a registration statement under the
Investment Company Act of 1940);

(3) securities offered or sold to "qualified purchasers." This
category of covered securities will become operational when the
SEC defines the term "qualified purchaser" as used in Section
18(b)(3) of the Securities Act of 1933, by rule. To date the SEC
has proposed, but not adopted, Rule 146(c) of the Securities Act
of 1933; and

(4) securities issued under the following specified exemptions
of the Securities Act of 1933:

(A) Sections 4(1) (transactions by persons other than an
issuer, underwriter or dealer), and 4(3) (dealers after
specified periods of time), but only if the issuer files
reports with the Commission under Sections 13 or 15(d) of
the Securities Exchange Act;

(B) Section 4(4) (unsolicited brokerage transactions);

(C) Securities Act exemptions in Section 3(a) with the
exception of the charitable exemption in Section 3(a)(4),
the exchange exemption in Section 3(a)(10), the intrastate
exemption in Section 3(a)(11), and the municipal securities
exemption in Section 3(a)(2) but only with "respect to the
offer or sale of such [municipal] security in the State in
which the issuer of such security is located"; and

(D) securities issued in compliance with SEC rules under
Section 4(2) (private placements).

Section 18(c)(1) preserves state authority "to investigate and
bring enforcement actions with respect to fraud or deceit, or
unlawful conduct by a broker or dealer, in connection with
securities or securities transactions."

The National Securities Markets Improvement Act, in essence,
preempts aspects of the securities registration and reporting
processes for specified federal covered securities. The Act does

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