LD 1855
pg. 20
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LR 2680
Item 1

A person who is required under another jurisdiction to register
pursuant to that jurisdiction's sex offender registration statute
because the person is domiciled in another state or, if not so
required, who is has been convicted and sentenced for an offense
that includes the essential elements of a sex offense or sexually
violent offense that would require registration in this State shall
register as a sex offender 10-year registrant or sexually violent
predator lifetime registrant, whichever is applicable, within 10
days of beginning full-time or part-time employment, with or
without compensation, for more than 14 consecutive days or for an
aggregate period exceeding 30 days in a calendar year or beginning
college or school on a full-time or part-time basis in this State.
The person shall contact the bureau, which shall provide the person
with a registration form and direct the person to take the form and
a photograph of the person to the law enforcement agency having
jurisdiction. The law enforcement agency shall supervise the
completion of the form, take the person's fingerprints and
immediately forward the form, photograph and fingerprints to the

Sec. B-19. 34-A MRSA §11225, as amended by PL 2001, c. 553, §§7 and
8, is further amended to read:

§11225. Duration of registration

1. Ten-year registrant. A sex offender person coming within
the definition of a 10-year registrant shall register for a
period of 10 years from the initial date of registration pursuant
to this chapter, except that a sex offender 10-year registrant
required to register because the sex offender that registrant
established a domicile in this State subsequent to being declared
a sex offender in required to register pursuant to another state
or under another jurisdiction jurisdiction's sex offender
registration statute for a period of years other than life shall
register for a maximum of 10 years from the date when the sex
offender that registrant was first required to register in the
other state or under another jurisdiction. A sex offender person
coming within the definition of a 10-year registrant who has been
sentenced from June 30, 1992 to September 17, 1999 shall register
for a period of 10 years, to be calculated as follows.

A. If the sex offender 10-year registrant was sentenced to a
wholly suspended sentence with probation or to a punishment
alternative not involving imprisonment, the 10-year period is
treated as having begun at the time the person commenced an
actual execution of the wholly suspended sentence or at the time
of sentence imposition when no punishment alternative involving
imprisonment was imposed,

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