LD 1855
pg. 21
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LR 2680
Item 1

unless the court ordered a stay of execution, in which event
the 10-year period is treated as having begun at the
termination of the stay.

B. If the sex offender 10-year registrant was sentenced to
a straight term of imprisonment or to a split sentence, the
10-year period is treated as having begun at the time of
discharge or conditional release.

C. If the sex offender 10-year registrant was committed
under Title 15, section 103, the 10-year period is treated
as having begun at the time of discharge or conditional
release under Title 15, section 104-A.

D. If the sex offender's 10-year registrant's duty to
register has not yet been triggered, the 10-year period will
commence upon registration by the person in compliance with
section 11222, subsection 1-A, paragraphs paragraph A, B or

2. Lifetime registrant. A sexually violent predator person
coming within the definition of a lifetime registrant who has
been sentenced on or after June 30, 1992 shall register for the
duration of the sexually violent predator's that__registrant's

A person who has established a domicile in this State subsequent
to being required to register pursuant to another jurisdiction's
sex offender registration statute for a lifetime or who is a
person coming within the definition of a lifetime registrant
shall register for the duration of the registrant's life.

2-A.__Periods when domiciled outside Maine.__Notwithstanding
subsections 1 and 2, during any period in which the 10-year
registrant or lifetime registrant leaves the State, establishes a
domicile in another state and remains physically absent from the
State the bureau may suspend the requirement that a 10-year
registrant or lifetime registrant register.

3. Periods of incarceration or civil confinement.
Notwithstanding subsections 1 and 2, the bureau may suspend the
requirement that a sex offender 10-year registrant or sexually
violent predator lifetime registrant register during periods of
incarceration or civil confinement.

4. Relief from duty to register. If the underlying
conviction for a sex offense or sexually violent offense is
reversed, vacated or set aside, or if the registrant is pardoned
for the offense, registration or continued registration as a sex

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