LD 1855
pg. 19
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LR 2680
Item 1

A. If the sex offender or sexually violent predator
registrant establishes a new domicile, place of employment
or college or school being attended in the State, the bureau
shall notify, within 3 days, both the law enforcement agency
having jurisdiction where the sex offender or sexually
violent predator registrant was formerly domiciled, employed
or enrolled and the law enforcement agency having
jurisdiction where the sex offender or sexually violent
predator registrant is currently domiciled, employed or

B. If the sex offender or sexually violent predator
registrant establishes a domicile, place of employment or
college or school being attended in another state, the
bureau shall notify, within 3 days, the law enforcement
agency having jurisdiction where the sex offender or
sexually violent predator registrant was formerly domiciled,
employed or enrolled and the law enforcement agency having
jurisdiction where the sex offender or sexually violent
predator registrant is currently domiciled, employed or

For purposes of registration requirements pursuant to this
subchapter, convictions that result from or are connected with
the same act or result from offenses committed at the same time
are considered as one conviction.

Sec. B-18. 34-A MRSA §§11223 and 11224, as amended by PL 2003, c. 371,
§11, are further amended to read:

§11223. Duty of person establishing domicile to register

A person required under another jurisdiction to register
pursuant to that jurisdiction's sex offender registration statute
or, if not so required, who is has been convicted and sentenced
for an offense that includes the essential elements of a sex
offense or sexually violent offense that would require
registration in this State shall register as a sex offender 10-
year registrant or sexually violent predator lifetime registrant,
whichever is applicable, within 10 days of establishing domicile
in this State. The person shall contact the bureau, which shall
provide the person with the registration form and direct the
person to take the form and a photograph of the person to the law
enforcement agency having jurisdiction. The law enforcement
agency shall supervise the completion of the form, take the
person's fingerprints and immediately forward the form,
photograph and fingerprints to the bureau.

§11224. Duty of person employed or attending college or school


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