LD 1855
pg. 18
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LR 2680
Item 1

enforcement agency shall submit the fingerprints and photograph to
the bureau within 3 days. The bureau shall immediately enter the
information into the registration system, notify the law
enforcement agency having jurisdiction where the sex offender or
sexually violent predator registrant expects to be domiciled and
transmit the information to the FBI for inclusion in the national
FBI sex offender database.

4. Verification. During the period a sex offender or
sexually violent predator registrant is required to register, the
bureau shall verify a sex offender's or sexually violent
predator's registrant's domicile. The bureau shall verify the
domicile of a sex offender 10-year registrant on each anniversary
of the sex offender's 10-year registrant's initial registration
date and shall verify a sexually violent predator's lifetime
registrant's domicile every 90 days after that sexually violent
predator's lifetime registrant's initial registration date.
Verification of the domicile of a sex offender 10-year registrant
or sexually violent predator lifetime registrant occurs as set
out in this subsection.

A. At least 10 days prior to the required verification
date, the bureau shall mail a nonforwardable verfication
verification form to the last reported mailing address of
the sex offender or sexually violent predator registrant.

B. The verification form must state that the sex offender
or sexually violent predator registrant still resides at the
address last reported to the bureau.

C. The sex offender or sexually violent predator registrant
shall take the completed verification form and a photograph
to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction within 10
days of receipt of the form.

D. The law enforcement agency having jurisdiction shall
verify the sex offender's or sexually violent predator's
registrant's identity, have the sex offender or sexually
violent predator registrant sign the verification form, take
the sex offender's or sexually violent predator's
registrant's fingerprints, complete the law enforcement
portion of the verification form and immediately forward the
fingerprints, photograph and form to the bureau.

5. Change of domicile, place of employment or college or
school being attended. A sex offender or sexually violent
predator registrant shall notify the bureau in writing of a
change of domicile, place of employment or college or school
being attended within 10 days after that change.

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