LD 1611
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LR 2137
Item 1

F.__One expert in health care quality;

G.__One expert in public health;

H.__Two consumer representatives; and

I.__One representative of the Department of Human Services,
Bureau of Health program that works collaboratively with
other organizations to improve the health of the citizens of
this State.

Prior to appointment, the Governor shall solicit nominations from
the public.

2.__Term.__Members serve 5-year terms and may serve no more
than 2 consecutive terms.__The terms of the initial members
appointed to the council must be staggered.

3.__Compensation.__Members of the council are entitled to
compensation according to Title 5, chapter 379.

4.__Quorum.__A quorum is a majority of the members of the

5.__Chair.__The council shall annually choose one of its
members to serve as chair for a one-year term.

6.__Meetings.__The council shall meet at least 4 times a year
at regular intervals. It may also meet at other times at the call
of the chair or the Governor or the Governor's designee.

7.__Duties.__The council shall assist the Governor or the
Governor's designee in developing the plan by:

A.__Synthesizing current research and studies available in
this State and collecting and coordinating existing data;

B.__Advising on the development of the plan; and

C.__Holding at least one public hearing on the plan.

8.__Staff support.__The Governor's office shall provide staff
support to the council.__The Department of Human Services, Bureau
of Health and other agencies of State Government as necessary and
appropriate shall provide additional staff support.__The Maine
Health Data Organization, the Maine Health Information Center and
the Department of Human Services, Bureau of Health or its
successor shall cooperate with the council.__The work of the
Maine Quality Forum established in Title 24-A,

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