LD 1611
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LR 2137
Item 1

(2)__Maintain a rational, affordable system of
preventive health and health care services and

(3)__Stimulate an adequate, qualified workforce to
operate the system at the highest quality standards;

(4)__Establish priorities annually among the goals;

(5)__Develop specific benchmarks and indicators to
measure and to assess the availability, quality,
effectiveness and efficiency of the health care system
in this State and report on progress toward meeting
those benchmarks; and

(6)__Set forth specific goals and strategies to address
the major cost drivers in the health care system and
the major threats to public health and safety.__These
should include both medical care and public health
goals.__Specifically, these should include, but are not
limited to, strategies to reduce the high rates of lung
disease, diabetes, cancer and heart disease in this

F.__Explicitly identify levers to stimulate change such as
purchasing strategies, consumer information, pay for
performance and state licensing and rules; and

G.__Be developed to assist purchasers and providers to make
resource decisions that improve the public's health and
build an affordable, quality health care system.

§102.__Advisory Council on Health Systems Development

1.__Appointment; composition.__The Advisory Council on Health
Systems Development, established by Title 5, section 12004-I,
subsection 31-B and referred to in this section as "the council,"
consists of the following 11 members appointed by the Governor
with approval of the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over health matters:

A.__Two experts in health care delivery;

B.__One expert in long-term care;

C.__One expert in mental health;

D.__One expert in public health care financing;

E.__One expert in private health care financing;

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