LD 1611
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LR 2137
Item 1

section 6951 and the health performance council administered by
the Maine Development Foundation must also inform the plan
developed by the council.


The council shall solicit data and information from both the
public and private sectors to help inform the council's work.

1.__Bureau of Health to forward data.__The Department of Human
Services, Bureau of Health, in consultation with the Maine Center
for Public Health Practice established pursuant to Title 22,
section 3-D, the program in the Bureau of Health that works
collaboratively to improve the health of the citizens of this
State and a statewide public health association, shall forward to
the council each year data documenting key public health needs,
organized by region of the State.

2.__Public purchasers to present report.__Public purchasers
using state or municipal funds to purchase health care services
or health insurance shall, beginning January 1, 2004, present to
the council a consolidated state health expenditure report
outlining all funds expended in the most recently completed state
fiscal year for hospital inpatient and outpatient care, physician
services, prescription drugs, long-term care, mental health,
other services and administration, organized by agency.

3.__Council to develop document.__The council, through a
health management coalition in this State and other groups, shall
encourage private purchasers established under Titles 13, 13-B
and 13-C to develop a document similar to that described in
subsection 2 for the council's consideration.

§104.__Uses of plan

1.__Guide decisions.__The State in awarding certificates of
need and the Maine Health and Higher Education Facilities
Authority in its health care lending shall use the plan as a
guide in making their decisions.

2.__Certificate of need.__A certificate of need or public
financing that affects health care costs may not be provided
unless it meets goals and budgets explicitly outlined in the

Sec. B-2. 5 MRSA §12004-I, sub-§31-B is enacted to read:

31-B. AdvisoryExpenses2 MRSA

Health CareCouncil onOnly§102



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