LD 1611
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LR 2137
Item 1


Sec. B-1. 2 MRSA c. 5 is enacted to read:



§101.__State Health Plan

1.__Governor.__The Governor or the Governor's designee shall:

A.__Issue the biennial State Health Plan, referred to in
this chapter as "the plan."__The first plan must be issued
by May 2004;

B.__Make an annual report to the public assessing the
progress toward meeting goals of the plan and provide any
needed updates to the plan;

C.__Issue yearly a state health expenditure budget report.__
That expenditure report must serve as the basis for
establishing priorities within the plan; and

D.__Set a cap, called the capital investment fund, for
resources allocated annually under the certificate of need
program under Title 22.__The first capital investment fund
limit must be established by May 2004 for state fiscal year

2.__Plan.__The plan must:

A.__Establish a capital investment fund limit for each year
of the biennial plan;

B.__Identify and prioritize capital investment needs of the
health care system in this State;

C.__Assess the quality and availability of health care
services across the State;

D.__Establish and address health care cost, quality and
access goals for the State;

E.__Address strategies to:

(1)__Ensure access to affordable, sustainable health

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