LD 1611
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LR 2137
Item 1

of estimating the number of covered persons of an insurer if the
specific number is unknown.

4.__Failure to pay recovery payment.__The superintendent may
suspend or revoke, after notice and hearing, the certificate of
authority to transact insurance in this State of any insurer or
reinsurer that fails to pay a recovery payment.__As an
alternative, the superintendent may levy a penalty on any insurer
or reinsurer that fails to pay a recovery payment when due.__In
addition, the superintendent may use any power granted to the
superintendent by this Title to collect any unpaid recovery

5.__Excess payments.__Dirigo Health may return unused payments
in accordance with a formula established by the board.



§6951.__Maine Quality Forum

The Maine Quality Forum, referred to in this subchapter as
"the forum," is established within Dirigo Health.__The forum is
governed by the board with advice from an advisory council
pursuant to section 6952.__The forum must be funded, at least in
part, through the recovery against insurers established in
section 6920 and may seek and receive grants and contracts to
advance its work.

§6952.__Advisory council appointment; composition

The Maine Quality Forum Advisory Council, referred to in this
subchapter as "the advisory council," is a 15-member body
established by Title 5, section 12004-I, subsection 31-A.__The
Governor shall appoint the following members with the approval of
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over health affairs:

1.__Providers. Five members representing providers, including
one allopathic physician, one osteopathic physician, one
registered nurse, one representative of hospitals and one mental
health provider;

2.__Consumers.__Four members representing consumers, including
one employee who receives health care through a commercially
insured product, one representative of organized labor, one
representative of a consumer health advocacy group and one
representative of the uninsured or MaineCare recipients;

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