| 3.__Determination of recovery payment.__The board shall make |
reasonable efforts to ensure that premium revenue associated with |
each covered person is counted only once with respect to any |
recovery payment.__For that purpose, the board shall require each |
health insurance carrier that obtains excess or stop loss |
insurance to include in its gross premium revenue that revenue |
associated with all individuals whose coverage is insured, in |
whole or in part, through excess or stop loss coverage.__The |
board shall allow a health insurance carrier to exclude from its |
gross premium revenue that revenue associated with covered |
persons who have been counted by the primary insurer or by the |
primary reinsurer or primary excess or stop loss insurer for the |
purpose of determining its recovery payment under this |
subsection.__The board may verify each insurer's recovery payment |
based on annual statements and other reports determined to be |
necessary by the board.__The board may use any reasonable method |