LD 1611
pg. 21
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LR 2137
Item 1

3.__Employers. Four members representing employers, including one
representative from the state employee health insurance program,
one representative of a large private employer with more than 1,000
full-time equivalent employees, one medium-sized employer with 50
to 1,000 full-time employees and one representative of a small
business with 50 or fewer employees; and

4.__Health plans. Two members representing health plans,
including one representative of a private health plan and one
representative from MaineCare.

Prior to making appointments to the forum, the Governor shall
seek nominations from a statewide medical association, a
statewide osteopathic association, a statewide hospital
association, a statewide nurses association, a statewide health
purchasing collaborative, a statewide health management
coalition, organized labor, a statewide organization representing
consumers advocating for affordable health care, a national
association of retired persons, a statewide citizen action
organization, a statewide organization advocating equal justice,
a statewide organization representing local chambers of commerce,
a statewide organization representing businesses for social
responsibility, a statewide small business alliance, a national
federation of independent businesses, a statewide association of
health plans and others as appropriate.


Members of the advisory council serve 5-year terms and may
serve no more than 2 consecutive terms.__The terms of the initial
members appointed to the advisory council must be staggered.


Members__of the advisory council are entitled to compensation
according to Title 5, chapter 379.


A quorum is a majority of the members of the advisory council.

§6956.__Chair and officers

The advisory council shall annually choose one of its members
to serve as chair for a one-year term.__The advisory council may
select other officers and designate their duties.

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