LD 1553
pg. 19
Page 18 of 25 An Act To Permit Special Purpose Reinsurance Vehicles Page 20 of 25
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LR 1915
Item 1

contract or any related transaction.__The provisions of section
222, subsections 11-A and 11-B do not apply to such dividends.

§789.__Records and financial reports

1.__Records.__The records of the special purpose reinsurance
vehicle must be maintained in this State and must be available
for examination by the superintendent at any time.__No later than
5 months after the end of the fiscal year of the reinsurance
vehicle, the reinsurance vehicle shall file with the
superintendent an audit by a certified public accounting firm of
the financial statements of the reinsurance vehicle and the trust
accounts referred to in section 784, subsection 2, paragraph E.

2.__Statement of operation.__Each special purpose reinsurance
vehicle organized under this subchapter shall file with the
superintendent no later than March 1st of each year a statement
of operations, including a statement of income, a balance sheet
and a detailed listing of invested assets, including
identification of assets held in trust to secure the reinsurance
vehicle's obligations under the special purpose reinsurance
vehicle contract, for the year ending the prior December 31st.__
The statements must be prepared in accordance with statutory
accounting principles consistent with section 901-A on forms
required by the superintendent.

3.__Financial statement.__The special purpose reinsurance
vehicle shall keep its books and records in such manner that its
financial condition, affairs and operations can be ascertained
and so that its financial statements filed with the
superintendent can be readily verified and its compliance with
the provisions of this subchapter determined.__The books and
records may be photographed, reproduced on film or stored and
reproduced electronically.

4.__Preservation.__All books, records, documents, accounts and
vouchers must be preserved and kept available in this State for
the purpose of examination and until authority to destroy or
otherwise dispose of the records is secured from the
superintendent.__The original records may, however, be kept and
maintained outside this State if, according to a plan adopted by
the special purpose reinsurance vehicle's board of directors and
approved by the superintendent, it maintains suitable records in
lieu of the original records.

§790.__Officers and directors

The directors of a special purpose reinsurance vehicle shall
elect officers that they consider necessary to carry out the
purposes of the reinsurance vehicle pursuant to this subchapter.__

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