LD 1553
pg. 20
Page 19 of 25 An Act To Permit Special Purpose Reinsurance Vehicles Page 21 of 25
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LR 1915
Item 1

The provisions of Title 13-C, section 857 apply to the
indemnification of officers and directors of reinsurance vehicles
organized under this subchapter.

1.__Appointment; election of officers; directors.__Each
special purpose reinsurance vehicle authorized to do business in
this State shall notify the superintendent within 30 days after
the appointment or election of any new officers or directors.

2.__Removal of officer; director.__When the superintendent
determines that an officer or director does not meet the
standards set forth in this section, the superintendent shall,
after notice and opportunity for hearing afforded to the officer
or director, and after a finding that the officer or director is
incompetent or untrustworthy or of known bad character, order the
removal of the person.__If the reinsurance vehicle does not
comply with a removal order within 30 days, the superintendent
may suspend that reinsurance vehicle's limited certificate of
authority until such time as the order is complied with.

3.__Loans with affiliate.__The reinsurance vehicle may make no
loans to any special purpose reinsurance vehicle organizer,
owner, director, officer, manager or affiliate of the reinsurance

§791.__Fees and taxes

A special purpose reinsurance vehicle application under
section 782, subsection 2 is subject to the application fee
specified in section 601, subsection 1.__A reinsurance vehicle is
also responsible for expenses and costs incurred by the bureau in
accordance with section 228.__The reinsurance vehicle is not
subject to state premium or other taxes incidental to the
operation of its business as long as the business remains within
the limitations of this subchapter.


A special purpose reinsurance vehicle operating under this
subchapter may be dissolved at any time by a vote of its
directors under section 790 and after the action has been
approved by the superintendent.__Voluntary dissolution may not be
effected or allowed until and unless all of the obligations of
the reinsurance vehicle pursuant to the insurance securitization
have been fully and finally satisfied pursuant to their terms.__
In the case of voluntary dissolution, the disposition of the
affairs of the reinsurance vehicle, including the settlement of
all outstanding obligations, must be made by the officers or
directors of the reinsurance vehicle and when the liquidation has
been completed and a final statement in acceptable form has been

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