LD 1553
pg. 18
Page 17 of 25 An Act To Permit Special Purpose Reinsurance Vehicles Page 19 of 25
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LR 1915
Item 1

trustees or managers and officers of the reinsurance vehicle,
together with their qualifications, duties and term of office.


Notwithstanding the provisions of section 222, the special
purpose reinsurance vehicle, the special purpose reinsurance
vehicle organizer or subsequent debt or equity investors in
special purpose reinsurance vehicle securities are not deemed
affiliates of the ceding insurer by virtue of the special purpose
reinsurance vehicle contract between the ceding insurer and the
reinsurance vehicle, the securities of the reinsurance vehicle or
related agreements necessary to implement the special purpose
reinsurance vehicle insurance securitization.__The reinsurance
vehicle may not be controlled by, may not control and may not be
under common control with any ceding insurer that is a party to a


A special purpose reinsurance vehicle must have minimum
initial capital of not less than $5,000.__All of the initial
capital must be received by the reinsurance vehicle in cash.__The
minimum initial capital required and all other funds of the
reinsurance vehicle in excess of its minimum initial capital,
including funds held in trust to secure the obligations of the
reinsurance vehicle pursuant to its special purpose reinsurance
vehicle contracts, must be invested as provided in section 795.


The special purpose reinsurance vehicle may not declare or pay
dividends in any form to its owners unless the dividends do not
decrease the capital of the reinsurance vehicle below $5,000 and,
after giving effect to the dividends, the assets of the
reinsurance vehicle, including assets held in trust pursuant to
the terms of the insurance securitization, must be sufficient to
meet its obligations.__Except for dividends specifically provided
for in the approved plan of operation under section 782,
subsection 2, paragraph H, the prior approval of the
superintendent is required for any dividend paid during the term
of coverage or while the reinsurance vehicle has undischarged
obligations to the ceding insurer.__The dividends may be declared
by the board of directors of the reinsurance vehicle if the
dividends would not violate the provisions of this subchapter or
the approved plan of operation and would not jeopardize the
fulfillment of the obligations of the reinsurance vehicle or the
trustee pursuant to the special purpose reinsurance vehicle
insurance securitization, the special purpose reinsurance vehicle

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