LD 1417
pg. 4
Page 3 of 16 An Act To Make Changes to the Laws Governing Aquaculture Leasing Page 5 of 16
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LR 1908
Item 1

application indicates that the lease could be granted and the
applicant has the financial and technical capability to carry
out the proposed activities. When the commissioner has
determined that the application is complete, the commissioner
shall forward a copy of the completed application and notice of
hearing to the known riparian owners within 1,000 feet of the
proposed lease and to the municipality or municipalities in
which or adjacent to which the lease is proposed. A
municipality must be granted intervenor status upon written

Sec. 8. 12 MRSA §6072, sub-§5-A, as amended by PL 1997, c. 138, §4,
is further amended to read:

5-A. Department site review. Prior to the lease hearing,
the department shall conduct an assessment of the proposed
site and surrounding area to determine the possible effects
compliance of the lease on commercially and ecologically
significant flora and fauna and conflicts with traditional
fisheries with the decision criteria outlined in subsection 7-
A. This The review must consider the impact on commercially
and ecologically significant flora and fauna and conflicts
with traditional fisheries and take place any time between
April 1st and November 15th. This information must be provided
to the intervenors and made available to the public 30 days
before the hearing. As part of the site review, the department
shall request information from the municipal harbor master
about designated or traditional storm anchorages in proximity
to the proposed lease. The commissioner may by rule establish
levels of assessment appropriate to the scale or potential
environmental risk posed by a proposed lease activity. The
rules must provide a method of establishing a baseline to
monitor the environmental effects of a lease activity. Rules
adopted pursuant to this subsection are major substantive
rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A 2-A.

Sec. 9. 12 MRSA §6072, sub-§6, ¶D, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 591, §2,
is repealed.

Sec. 10. 12 MRSA §6072, sub-§7-B, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 453, §1,
is amended to read:

7-B. Conditions. The commissioner may establish conditions
that govern the use of the leased area and limitations on the
aquaculture activities. These conditions shall must encourage
the greatest multiple, compatible uses of the leased area, but
shall must also address the ability of the lease site and
surrounding area to support ecologically significant flora and
fauna and preserve the exclusive rights of the lessee to the
extent necessary to carry out the lease purpose. The
commissioner may grant the lease on a conditional basis until
the lessee has

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