LD 1417
pg. 3
Page 2 of 16 An Act To Make Changes to the Laws Governing Aquaculture Leasing Page 4 of 16
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LR 1908
Item 1

the Department of Environmental Protection the opportunity
to participate and to recommend materials to be submitted.

B.__An application submitted under this section must:

(1)__Be written on forms supplied by the

(2)__Describe the location of the proposed lease area
by coordinates or metes and bounds;

(3)__Identify the species to be cultivated;

(4)__Characterize the physical and ecological impact
of the project on existing uses of the site and any
adverse effects on the existing uses of the area, as
defined by rules adopted by the commissioner;

(5)__Describe the degree of exclusive use required by
the project;

(6)__Include written permission of every riparian
owner whose land to the low-water mark will be
actually used;

(7)__Include a map of the proposed lease area and its
adjoining waters and shorelands, with the names and
addresses of the known riparian owners under
subparagraph (6) as listed in the municipal tax

(8)__Include an environmental evaluation of the site
upon which the decision to seek a lease was made. The
evaluation must include, but is not limited to,
bottom characteristics, resident flora and fauna and
hydrography of the site if appropriate for the
proposed lease;

(9)__Describe the proposed source of the organisms to
be grown at the site; and

(10)__Include a nonrefundable application fee of at
least $100 but not more than $1,000, the amount to be
set by the commissioner depending on the proposed
acreage, type of aquaculture proposed and complexity
of the application.

Sec. 7. 12 MRSA §6072, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1999, c. 591, §1, is
further amended to read:

5. Application review. The commissioner shall review the
application and set a hearing date if the commissioner is
satisfied that the written application is complete, and the

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