LD 1276
pg. 6
Page 5 of 16 An Act To Amend the Sand Dune Laws Page 7 of 16
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LR 349
Item 1

maximum height on the beach the rush of water reaches and the
still water level.

14.__X-zone.__"X-zone" means an area between an A-zone and
the presumed high-water mark of a 500-year flood.__This zone
also includes areas of 100-year shallow flooding where water
depths are less than one foot or the flooded area is less than
one acre in size.

Sec. 11. 38 MRSA §480-C, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Review not required.__This subsection clarifies which
activities in coastal sand dune systems do not require
approval pursuant to this article.

A.__The following activities have minimal impact and do
not require a permit under subsection 2:

(1) Construction of a walkway or path on an area of a
lot that has already been developed;

(2)__Removal of debris from a beach, as long as
little or no sand is removed with the debris;

(3)__The addition of loam, up to 3 inches in depth,
to maintain an existing lawn;

(4)__Removal of sand from lawns, walkways, roads,
driveways, parking areas and buildings, as long as
the sand is placed back into the coastal sand dune
system without disturbing beach vegetation.__Sand
placed on the beach must be spread out to a height no
greater than 3 inches above the existing beach grade;

(5) The placement of an open fence in the coastal sand
dune system to keep pedestrian traffic off dune
vegetation or away from shore bird nesting or
breeding areas;

(6) The replacement of an existing partial or full
foundation with a post or piling foundation that
complies with the requirements of section 480-AA,
subsection 4 and section 480-BB, subsection 5 and
allows for the free movement of sand and water and
remains in the existing footprint; and

(7)__Construction of a municipal sewer or storm water outfall
pipe that is buried and that has received approval from the
department under department rule,

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