LD 1276
pg. 5
Page 4 of 16 An Act To Amend the Sand Dune Laws Page 6 of 16
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LR 349
Item 1

feet above existing grade to allow unobstructed flow of
sand, wind and water and are not located in a V-zone; and

B.__One storage shed per lot that does not exceed 100
square feet, as long as it is not located in a V-Zone and
is not converted to a habitable structure.

Sec. 8. 38 MRSA §480-B, sub-§§7-A and 7-B are enacted to read:

7-A.__Post.__"Post" means any piling or column support that
allows water and sand to move freely underneath the structure
and that is adequate to provide a foundation for the structure
it supports.__"Post" does not include a frost wall or
breakaway foundation construction.

7-B.__Project.__"Project" means any activity that is
regulated pursuant to this article and is located in the
coastal sand dune system.

Sec. 9. 38 MRSA §480-B, sub-§§8-B to 8-D are enacted to read:

8-B.__Reconstruction.__"Reconstruction" means any
rehabilitation, replacement or other building improvement that
costs more than 50% of the building's before reconstruction.

8-C.__Seawall.__"Seawall" means a vertical wall or other
sloped barrier that separates land from water areas, commonly
constructed out of rocks, wood, concrete or similar materials,
generally built for the purpose of protecting structures or
property from shoreline erosion caused by wave or current

8-D.__Severe damage.__"Severe damage" means damage for which
repair or replacement costs exceed 50% of a building's value.

Sec. 10. 38 MRSA §480-B, sub-§§11 to 14 are enacted to read:

11.__Temporary structure.__"Temporary structure" means a
structure that is intended for seasonal use and in place for 7
months or less each year.

12.__V-zone.__"V-zone" means an area of special flood hazard
that is subject to a 1% or greater chance of flooding in any
given year, and subject to additional hazard from high-
velocity water due to wave action.

13.__Wave runup level.__"Wave runup level" means the amount
of wave runup that is the vertical distance between the

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