LD 274
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LR 1
Item 1

An agreement described in section 6047 must be made in the
form of a written lease and must include at least a general
description of the boundaries of the land to be leased.

§6049.__Required notice

1.__Required notice of change in terms.__A lessor must give
a lessee at least 30 days' notice of a change in the terms of
a lease.

2.__Required notice of termination.__Unless the lease is
terminated for cause, a lessor must give notice to a lessee of
the intent to terminate the lease at least one year prior to
the effective date of the termination.__All terms of the lease
remain in effect following the notice, except that:

A.__Termination provisions of the lease to the extent
inconsistent with this section are void, beginning on the
date the notice is provided;

B.__The lessee may terminate the lease earlier than the
effective date provided in the notice; and

C.__If the lessee violates the lease during the period
between the giving of the notice and the termination date
provided in the notice, this section no longer applies and
the lessee has only the rights provided in the lease.

For purposes of this subsection, "cause" means violation by a
lessee of a term of a lease.

§6050.__Right of first refusal

A lessee of premises on which a structure owned by the
lessee exists has the right of first refusal with regard to
the leased premises if the lessor intends to sell or to offer
to sell the leased premises as a separate parcel.__Each lease
subject to this chapter must make provision for a method of
determining the sale price of the leased premises upon
exercise of the right provided in this section.__The lessor
must give the lessee at least 90 days to accept the offer to
purchase the lot.

Sec. 23. 20-A MRSA §4706, sub-§2, as amended by PL 2001, c. 403, §1
and c. 454, §20, is repealed and the following enacted in its

2.__Maine studies. Maine history, including the Constitution
of Maine, Maine geography and environment and the natural,
industrial and economic resources of Maine and Maine's
cultural and ethnic heritage, must be taught.__ A required
component of

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