LD 274
pg. 8
Page 7 of 38 An Act to Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine Page 9 of 38
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LR 1
Item 1

(2)__Hunting without hunter orange clothing as
described in section 7406, subsection 12;

(3)__Allowing a junior hunter to hunt without adult
supervision as described in section 7406, subsection

(4)__Hunting on a state game farm as described in
section 7406, subsection 22;

(5)__Hunting in a licensed wildlife exhibit as
described in section 7406, subsection 23; and

(6)__Using an aircraft to aid or assist in hunting
big game as described in section 7406, subsection 24
if the violation does not involve the taking of a big
game animal;

Sec. 22. 14 MRSA c. 710-D, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 612, §1 and c.
653, §1, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:




1.__Parties to agreement;__purposes of agreement.__This
chapter applies to agreements between:

A.__A person, referred to in this chapter as the "lessor,"
who owns land in territory under jurisdiction of the Maine
Land Use Regulation Commission; and

B.__A person, referred to in this chapter as the "lessee,"
who intends to construct or to occupy a building or
buildings owned by that person on leased land in territory
under jurisdiction of the Maine Land Use Regulation
Commission for recreational or residential purposes on a
seasonal or year-round basis or to operate a business
consisting of a commercial sporting camp, campground or
retail store.

2.__Application.__This chapter applies to agreements entered
into or renewed on or after July 25, 2002.

§6048.__Written lease and description required

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