LD 212
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act to Establish Instant Run-off Voting Page 5 of 5
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LR 111
Item 1

recounting of votes, as long as no change is made that alters
the intent or principles embodied in this section.

3.__Modification of instant run-off voting method ballot and
count.__Modification of an instant run-off voting method
ballot and count is permitted in accordance with the

A.__If the Secretary of State determines that the number
of candidates for a particular office exceeds the
practical space requirements for ranking all candidates on
the ballot, the number of allowable rankings may be
limited to no fewer than 5 candidates.

B.__More than one candidate may be eliminated
simultaneously if the number of total votes credited for
those candidates is fewer than the number of total votes
credited for the candidate with the next greatest number
of votes.

4.__Effect on rights of political parties.__For all
statutory and constitutional provisions in the State
pertaining to the rights of political parties, the number of
votes cast for a party's candidate for a particular office is
the number of votes credited to that candidate after the
initial round of counting.

Sec. 10. 21-A MRSA §805, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 161, §6,
is amended to read:

2. Presidential electors. The presidential electors at
large shall cast their ballots for the presidential and vice-
presidential candidates who received the largest number of
votes in were declared the winners pursuant to section 726 for
the State. The presidential electors of each congressional
district shall cast their ballots for the presidential and
vice-presidential candidates who received the largest number
of votes were declared the winners pursuant to section 726 in
each respective congressional district.


This bill creates the instant run-off voting method of
determining winners in elections for President, Vice
President, United States Senator, United States Representative
to Congress, Governor, state Senator and state Representative.
The method simulates the ballot counts that would occur if all
voters participated in a series of run-off elections and
allows a voter to rank candidates according to that voter's
preferences. Each voter has only one vote for each office,
and the ballot count is the same as would occur if voters
participated in a series of

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