LD 212
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act to Establish Instant Run-off Voting LD 212 Title Page
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run-off elections, with the weakest candidate eliminated after
each round of counting.

There is an initial round of counting. If more than 2
candidates have received votes after the initial round, the
Secretary of State conducts an instant run-off round. In this
instant run-off round, the Secretary of State eliminates the
candidate with the fewest votes. A ballot that ranks this
eliminated candidate as the highest-ranked candidate is
counted as a vote for the highest-ranked advancing candidate
on that ballot. An advancing candidate is a candidate who has
not been eliminated. This process of counting votes and
eliminating the candidate with the fewest votes continues
until 2 candidates remain. The candidate with the most votes
is declared the winner.

For the presidential and vice-presidential elections, the
instant run-off voting method is conducted to determine
winners for the entire State as well as in each congressional

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