LD 212
pg. 3
Page 2 of 5 An Act to Establish Instant Run-off Voting Page 4 of 5
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LR 111
Item 1

1. Procedures.__The following procedures are used to
determine the winner in an election for an office subject to
the instant run-off voting method.

A.__The first choice marked on each ballot must be counted
initially by the election officials.__The ballot count is
the same as the count that would occur if voters
participated in a series of run-off elections, with the
weakest candidate eliminated after each round of counting.

B.__In every round of counting, each ballot is counted as
one vote for that ballot's highest-ranked advancing
candidate.__"Advancing candidate" means a candidate for an
office who has not been eliminated.__If more than 2
candidates have received votes after the initial round of
counting, the Secretary of State shall conduct an instant
run-off round.__In this instant run-off round, the
Secretary of State shall eliminate the candidate with the
fewest votes.__A ballot that ranks this eliminated
candidate as the highest-ranked candidate must be counted
as a vote for the highest-ranked advancing candidate on
that ballot.__This process of counting votes and
eliminating the candidate with the fewest votes must
continue until 2 candidates remain.__The candidate with
the most votes then must be declared the winner.

C.__If a ballot has no more available choices ranked on
it, that ballot must be declared exhausted.__A ballot that
skips one number must be counted for that voter's next
clearly indicated choice, but a ballot that skips more
than one number must be declared exhausted when this
skipping of numbers is reached.__A ballot with the same
number for 2 or more candidates must be declared exhausted
when these double numbers are reached.

D.__For ties between candidates occurring at any stage in
the tabulation, determinations must be made based on
whomever was credited with the most votes at the previous
stage of tabulation.__In the case of any tie to which a
previous stage does not apply, the tie must be resolved in
accordance with the general election laws of the State.

2.__Change of voting method.__The legislative body of a
municipality or election authorities may provide for the use
of mechanical, electronic or other devices for marking,
sorting and counting the ballots and tabulating the results
and may modify the form of the ballots, the directions to
voters and the details with respect to the method of marking,
sorting, counting, invalidating and retaining ballots and the
tabulating and

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