LD 1674
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LR 2365
Item 1

first mentioned set rebar, being the point of beginning. All
bearings are magnetic 1994. All set rebar are topped with a
plastic cap stamped "Kachnovich PLS 1134." The above parcel of
land being over a portion of land of the State of Maine, Department
of Conservation, Bureau of Parks and Lands as recorded in the
Franklin County Registry of Deeds in Book 1889, Page 173. See
survey plan entitled "(Boundary Survey - Land of the Inhabitants of
the Town of Jay - total area = 34.38 acres)," revised February 2005
- compiled by Kachnovich Land Surveying; and be it further

Sec. 7. Director of Bureau of Parks and Lands authorized, but not directed, to convey
certain real estate in Town of Jay, County of Franklin. Resolved: That the
Director of the Bureau of Parks and Lands within the Department
of Conservation may by quitclaim deed without covenant convey for
fair market value, and on such other terms and conditions as the
director may direct, including maintenance and safety obligations
and responsibilities, to Richard S. and Jeanne M. Jackson, a new
Jackson trail-crossing easement sixteen (16) feet wide by sixty-
six (66) feet long, located at Station 2552+11 in the Town of
Jay, Maine and in exchange for release of the existing sixteen
(16) foot-wide by sixty-six (66) foot-long Jackson railroad
crossing easement previously conveyed to Richard S. and Jeanne M.
Jackson located at Station 2549+11; and be it further

Sec. 8. Director of Bureau of Parks and Lands authorized, but not directed, to convey
certain real estate in Town of Crystal, County of Aroostook and Town of Patten, or Town
of Sherman, County of Penobscot. Resolved: That the Director of the Bureau
of Parks and Lands within the Department of Conservation may by
quitclaim deed without covenant convey on such terms and
conditions as the director may direct, including maintenance and
safety obligations and responsibilities, to J. M. Huber Corp., an
easement located in the Town of Crystal, Maine and the Town of
Patten or the Town of Sherman, Maine for purposes of forest
production, management and harvesting.

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