LD 1674
pg. 4
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LR 2365
Item 1

convey, for $1 and on such other terms and conditions as the
director may direct, to the University of Maine System, a certain
lot of land and buildings and improvements thereon commonly
referred to as Blueberry Hill Farm, and also known as the Maine
Agricultural Experiment Station, located in the Town of Jonesboro,
Maine, being approximately 29 acres in size and all as described in
a deed from Patrick J. Sullivan and Harry C. Sullivan to the State
of Maine dated January 24, 1946 and recorded in the Washington
County Registry of Deeds in Book 468, Page 232. The purpose of
this section is to authorize the conveyance of the subject lot,
which was inadvertently omitted in Resolve 1965, chapter 86. That
resolve authorized the transfer of certain lots of land owned by
the State of Maine to the former University of Maine. The
University of Maine and its successors, including the University of
Maine System, has since operated, improved and maintained the
parcel as the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station and Blueberry
Hill Farm; and be it further

Sec. 6. Director of Bureau of Parks and Lands authorized, but not directed, to convey
certain real estate in Town of Jay, County of Franklin. Resolved: That the
Director of the Bureau of Parks and Lands within the Department
of Conservation may by quitclaim deed without covenant convey for
fair market value, and on such other terms and conditions as the
director may direct, including maintenance and safety obligations
and responsibilities, to the inhabitants of the Town of Jay, a
50-foot wide trail-crossing easement at Station 2571+00 in the
Town of Jay, Maine. Said railroad crossing easement is further
described as: A certain parcel of land situated easterly of
Route 4, in the Town of Jay, County of Franklin, State of Maine,
bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a set
rebar on the apparent easterly sideline of land formerly of the
Maine Central Railroad Company, said rebar being southerly along
the apparent curved sideline of said former railroad land, a
curved distance of two hundred twenty and eighty-nine hundredths
(220.89) feet, from another a set rebar being at the southwest
corner of land now or formerly of Jose Diaz as recorded in Book
467, Page 102 at the Franklin County Registry of Deeds; thence
southerly along the apparent curved sideline of said former
railroad land and along land of the inhabitants of the Town of
Jay, a curved distance of fifty and thirty-five hundredths
(50.35) feet, to a set rebar; thence north 81 degrees 04 minutes
27 seconds west through former railroad land, a distance of
sixty-six and eight-hundredths (66.08) feet, to a set rebar;
thence northerly along the apparent curved sideline of said
former railroad land and along land of the inhabitants of the
Town of Jay, a curved distance of fifty and thirty-five
hundredths (50.35) feet, to a set rebar; thence south 81 degrees
04 minutes 27 seconds east through former railroad land, a
distance of sixty-six and fifteen-hundredths (66.15) feet, to the

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