LD 1408
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LD 1408 Title Page RESOLVE Chapter 84 LD 1408 Title Page
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LR 1371
Item 1


H.P. 972 - L.D. 1408

Resolve, Directing the Air Toxics Advisory Committee To

Review the Status of Toxic Emissions from Waste-to-energy

Facilities in the State and Recommend Actions Aimed at

Reducing and Monitoring These Emissions

Sec. 1. Provide emissions data. Resolved: That the Department of
Environmental Protection shall provide emissions data to the Air
Toxics Advisory Committee that include information on emissions
of hazardous air pollutants from Maine's 4 waste-to-energy
facilities; and be it further

Sec. 2. Subcommittee formed. Resolved: That the Department of
Environmental Protection shall form a subcommittee of the Air
Toxics Advisory Committee to consider the toxic and other
emissions from waste-to-energy facilities. The subcommittee must
be composed of representatives of differing viewpoints on the
State's policy regarding waste-to-energy facilities; and be it

Sec. 3. Funding. Resolved: That the Department of Environmental
Protection may also receive funds from other sources to assist in
funding the costs of the subcommittee; and be it further

Sec. 4. Reporting date established. Resolved: That the Commissioner of
Environmental Protection shall report to the Joint Standing
Committee on Natural Resources by February 15, 2006 on the
recommendations made by the Air Toxics Advisory Committee
regarding toxic air emissions and the Department of Environmental
Protection's next steps planned to address toxic air emissions.

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