LD 1931
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LR 2695
Item 1

have been certified pursuant to subsection 2, paragraph J.__A
school administrative unit is not required to incur additional
costs in order to supply information to the commission for its

Sec. 6. 35-A MRSA §3211-A, sub-§12 is enacted to read:

12.__Independent analysis of programs.__The commission shall
arrange for an independent evaluation of each major program
implemented under this section.__Each major program must be
evaluated at least once every 5 years.__The evaluation must
include an accounting audit of the program and an evaluation of
the program's effectiveness in meeting the goals of this section.__
The evaluations must be conducted by a competent professional
with expertise in energy efficiency matters, including the
management of cost-effective energy efficiency programs.__The
commission shall include the results of all evaluations conducted
under this subsection in the annual report submitted pursuant to
subsection 11.__For purposes of this subsection, "major program"
means a program with an annual budget of more than $500,000.

Sec. 7. Public Utilities Commission Efficiency Maine program. The Public
Utilities Commission shall develop a plan for using revenues from
any increase in the assessment on transmission and distribution
utilities pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 35-A,
section 3211-A, subsection 4. The plan must include a
description of how the funds would contribute to the goals of
increasing energy efficiency for program participants and
reducing electricity prices for all consumers. The commission
shall consider using funds resulting from any increased
assessments to increase the per-business incentive cap imposed on
large businesses under the business program established pursuant
to Title 35-A, section 3211-A.

The commission shall submit its plan, together with any
recommendations for increases in the assessment consistent with
that plan and any suggested legislation to implement its
recommendations to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over utilities and energy matters
by January 1, 2007. The joint standing committee may report out
legislation regarding energy efficiency to the First Regular
Session of the 123rd Legislature.

Sec. 8. Public Utilities Commission analysis of certain programs. By December
31, 2007, the Public Utilities Commission shall arrange for and
complete in accordance with the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 35-
A, section 3211-A, subsection 12 an independent evaluation of the
following programs established by the commission pursuant to
Title 35-A, section 3211-A: the business program, the low-income
appliance replacement program and the residential lighting

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