LD 1985
pg. 8
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LR 3053
Item 1

equine and ox pulling contests and farm tractor and pickup
truck pulling contests.

8. Maximum allowed distribution from Stipend Fund.__A licensee
may not receive a stipend from the Stipend Fund greater than the
amount actually raised and spent by the licensee on premiums and
gratuities in the classes provided in subsection 5.__A licensee
may not receive a stipend from the Stipend Fund in excess of
$10,000, except that this limitation does not apply to any
additional stipend provided for by Title 8, section 287 or to
funds distributed from the Fair Fund or the Agricultural Fair
Support Fund in accordance with section 91.

§87.__Licensees ineligible for stipend

1.__Distribution of profits as primary purpose.__A licensee is
not eligible for a stipend if the licensee is an entity with
stockholders or members and the commissioner determines that the
primary purpose of the licensed entity is the distribution of
profits to its members or stockholders.

2. Premiums on unregistered males prohibited. A stipend may
not be paid to any licensee offering or paying premiums on
unneutered male animals over 6 months of age that are not
recorded in the books of record for their respective breeds as
recognized by the commissioner. The commissioner may make
verification of breed records a part of the sworn certificate
required under section 88, subsection 1, paragraph A.

§88.__Filing and certification; investigation of complaints

1. Filing requirement.__A licensee may not receive payment of
a stipend or state aid by special appropriation until:

A.__The licensee files a sworn certificate with the
commissioner stating the amount of money raised by the
licensee in connection with the fair and the amount actually
awarded and paid in premiums; and

B.__The commissioner submits a certificate to the executive
director of the State Harness Racing Commission stating that
the commissioner has examined the claim of the licensee and
determined that the licensee has complied with sections 86
and 87 and has awarded and paid as premiums and gratuities a
sum equal to or greater than the stipend received by the

2. Investigation of complaints.__Upon receiving a written and
signed complaint alleging a violation of this chapter relating to
the payment of state aid in any form to a licensee,

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