LD 1985
pg. 7
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LR 3053
Item 1

E.__Grange and farm exhibits;

F.__Boys' and girls' club exhibits;

G.__Mechanical arts exhibits;

H.__Domestic and fancy articles produced in the home;

I.__Pulling contests for equines and oxen; and

J.__Pulling contests for farm tractors and pickup trucks.

6.__Eligibility for stipend.__A licensee is not entitled to a
stipend under this chapter unless:

A.__The licensee holds a license that is valid for the year
for which the stipend is calculated;

B.__Exhibits of vegetables, fruits, grains or dairy
products, are regularly displayed in an attractive manner
upon the fairgrounds during the fair, the products exhibited
are representative of those produced in the county in which
the fair is held and__the quality of the products is
acceptable to the commissioner;

C.__The health status of domestic animals shown or exhibited
at the fair satisfies the health requirements established by
the commissioner in accordance with section 1811 and rules
adopted pursuant to section 1752;

D.__The fair is conducted in accordance with performance
standards established in rules adopted pursuant to section
82, subsection 5; and

E. The minimum premiums established in subsection 7 are

7. Minimum premiums required.__To be eligible to receive a
stipend, a licensee must:

A.__Upon receiving an initial license, spend a minimum of
$750 per year on premiums for 3 years for displays of
agricultural products, excluding premiums for equine and ox
pulling contests and farm tractor and pickup truck pulling
contests; and

B. Upon fulfilling the requirement under paragraph A, continue to
spend a minimum of $1,200 on premiums yearly for displays of
agricultural products, excluding premiums for

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