LD 1985
pg. 27
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LR 3053
Item 1

that is exempt from tax under Section 501(c)(3)
of the Code and has among its corporate
purposes the provision of services to people of
low income or the construction, rehabilitation,
ownership or operation of housing.

(iii) "Residential rental housing" means one
or more buildings, together with any
facilities functionally related and
subordinate to the building or buildings,
located on one parcel of land and held in
common ownership prior to the conversion to
nonprofit status and containing 9 or more
similarly constructed residential units
offered for rental to the general public for
use on other than a transient basis, each of
which contains separate and complete
facilities for living, sleeping, eating,
cooking and sanitation.

(iv) "Unrelated trade or business" means any
trade or business whose conduct is not
substantially related to the exercise or
performance by a nonprofit corporation of the
purposes or functions constituting the basis
for exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the

(b) Eligibility of the following property for
exemption is not affected by the provisions of
this subparagraph:

(i) Property used as a nonprofit nursing
home, residential care facility licensed by
the Department of Health and Human Services
pursuant to Title 22, chapter 1663 or a
community living arrangement as defined in
Title 30-A, section 4357-A or any property
owned by a nonprofit organization licensed or
funded by the Department of Health and Human
Services to provide services to or for the
benefit of persons with mental illness or
mental retardation;

(ii) Property used for student housing;

(iii) Property used for parsonages;

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