LD 1985
pg. 26
Page 25 of 29 PUBLIC Law Chapter 563 Page 27 of 29
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LR 3053
Item 1

(3) All profits derived from the operation of an
organization claiming exemption and the proceeds from
the sale of its property are devoted exclusively to the
purposes for which it is organized;

(4) The institution, organization or corporation
claiming exemption under this subsection shall file
with the tax assessors upon their request a report for
its preceding fiscal year in such detail as the tax
assessors may reasonably require;

(5) An exemption is not allowed under this subsection
in favor of an agricultural fair association holding
pari-mutuel racing meets unless it has qualified the
next preceding year as a recipient of a stipend from
the "Stipend Fund" provided in Title 7, section 62 86;

(6) An exemption allowed under paragraph A or B for
real or personal property owned and occupied or used to
provide federally subsidized residential rental housing
is limited as follows: Federally subsidized
residential rental housing placed in service prior to
September 1, 1993 by other than a nonprofit housing
corporation that is acquired on or after September 1,
1993 by a nonprofit housing corporation and the
operation of which is not an unrelated trade or
business to that nonprofit housing corporation is
eligible for an exemption limited to 50% of the
municipal assessed value of that property.

An exemption granted under this subparagraph must be
revoked for any year in which the owner of the property
is no longer a nonprofit housing corporation or the
operation of the residential rental housing is an
unrelated trade or business to that nonprofit housing

(a) For the purposes of this subparagraph, the
following terms have the following meanings.

(i) "Federally subsidized residential rental
housing" means residential rental housing
that is subsidized through project-based
rental assistance, operating assistance or
interest rate subsidies paid or provided by
or on behalf of an agency or department of
the Federal Government.

(ii) "Nonprofit housing corporation" means a nonprofit
corporation organized in the State

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