LD 1771
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LR 3016
Item 1

the detention of adults and may extend beyond the time limits set
out in section 3203-A.

Sec. 8. 15 MRSA §3206, first ¶, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 180, §7, is
amended to read:

A person under 18 years of age who is arrested for a crime
defined under Title 12 or Title 29-A that is not a juvenile crime
as defined in section 3103 is not subject to chapter 105-A and
may not be detained unless a juvenile community corrections
officer has been notified within 2 hours after the person's
arrest and has approved the detention. Section 3203-A,
subsection 7, paragraphs A and B governing the facilities in
which juveniles may be detained apply to any detention of such a
juvenile following arrest.

Sec. 9. 15 MRSA §3301, sub-§7, as amended by PL 1999, c. 624, Pt. B,
§12, is further amended to read:

7. Nonapplication of section. The Except for subsection 6-A,
the provisions of this section do not apply to a juvenile charged
with either of the juvenile crimes defined in section 3103,
subsection 1, paragraph E or F, and a petition may be filed
without recommendation by a juvenile community corrections
officer. The provisions of section 3203-A apply in the case of a
juvenile charged with either of the juvenile crimes defined in
section 3103, subsection 1, paragraph E or F.

Sec. 10. 15 MRSA §3314, sub-§1, ¶E, as amended by PL 2003, c. 239, §1,
is further amended to read:

E. The court may require the juvenile to make restitution
for any damage to the victim or other authorized claimant as
compensation for economic loss upon reasonable conditions
that the court determines appropriate. For the purposes of
this paragraph, the definitions in Title 17-A, section 1322
and the provisions of Title 17-A, sections 1324, 1326-B,
1326-E, 1328-A and 1329 apply, except that section 1329,
subsection 3, paragraph A does not apply.

Sec. 11. 15 MRSA §3314, sub-§1, ¶G, as amended by PL 1999, c. 367, §1,
is further amended to read:

G. Except for a violation of section 3103, subsection 1,
paragraph D or H, the court may impose a fine, subject to
Title 17-A, sections 1301 to 1304, except that there is no
mandatory minimum fine amount. For the purpose of this
section, juvenile offenses defined in section 3103,
subsection 1, paragraphs B and C are deemed Class E crimes.

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