LD 1317
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LR 553
Item 1

§10803.__Unlawful to use degree or certificate when course work

not completed; penalty

1.__Unlawful use of degree.__A person may not knowingly use a
degree, certificate, diploma, transcript or other document
purporting to indicate that the person has completed an organized
program of study or completed courses when the person has not
completed the organized program of study or the courses as
indicated on the degree, certificate, diploma, transcript or

A.__To obtain employment;

B.__To obtain a promotion or higher compensation in

C.__To obtain admission to an institution of higher
learning; or

D.__In connection with any business, trade, profession or

2.__Penalty.__A person who violates this section commits a
Class D crime.

§10804.__Consumer protection

The department shall provide, via publicly accessible sites on
the Internet, information to protect students, businesses and
others from persons, institutions or entities that issue,
manufacture or use false academic degrees.__This information must
include the names of known state, national and international
diploma mills, degree mills, accreditation mills and substandard
schools or institutions of higher education.

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