LD 1115
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LR 2072
Item 1

of absentee ballots issued to absentee voters in the
municipality for that election. The report must further
identify the number of ballots that were issued to uniformed
service voters and overseas voters, respectively. For each
category of absentee voters, the report must include the
number of ballots that were returned by the voters and were
processed and cast in the election.

E.__Within 10 business days after each election, the clerk
shall update the central voter registration system to
include the changes required by paragraph A.__The clerk also
must update the central voter registration system to reflect
any absentee ballots received after the polls have closed on
election day by changing the rejection reason.__When all
updates have been made in the central voter registration
system, the clerk shall certify this to the Secretary of
State and make a final list of absentee ballots available
for public inspection.

Sec. 8. 21-A MRSA §753-C is enacted to read:

§753-C.__Absentee ballots for program participants in Address

Confidentiality Program

Any registered voter who is certified by the Secretary of
State as a program participant in the Address Confidentiality
Program pursuant to Title 5, section 90-B is entitled to receive
an absentee ballot for every election during the period of the
voter's participation in the program.__The clerk shall mail the
absentee ballot to the voter at the voter's designated address as
soon as possible after the regular ballots are available in the
municipality.__The voter shall mark the absentee ballot in
accordance with the procedures set forth in section 754-A and
shall return the ballot to the registrar in the manner provided
in section 754-A, except that the voter may sign the voter's
voter code under the Address Confidentiality Program on the
absentee ballot envelope instead of the voter's name.

Sec. 9. 21-A MRSA §754-A, first ¶, as amended by PL 1999, c. 645, §7,
is further amended to read:

Except as provided in section 753-B, subsection 8 and section
753-C, the method of voting by absentee ballot is as follows.

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