LD 1115
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LR 2072
Item 1

required under this subsection for a period of 2 years as a public

A. The list of absentee voters must include each voter's
name, residence address, voting district and party
affiliation; the date and manner by which the ballot was
requested, issued and received; a notation of whether the
application and the ballot were accepted or rejected; and a
place for the registrar to certify the voter registration
status of the absentee voters. The clerk must also indicate
on the list when the absentee voter is a uniformed service
voter or, overseas voter or township voter. By the time
that all absentee ballots have been processed on election
day, the clerk must update the central voter registration
system or annotate the printed list of absentee voters to
reflect all ballots that were received by the close of the
polls on election day, including a notation of whether the
ballots were accepted or rejected and the reasons for such
rejections.__This list, reflecting all absentee ballots
received by the close of the polls, must be made available
for public inspection.__Any absentee voter certified as a
participant in the Address Confidentiality Program pursuant
to Title 5, section 90-B must be listed by the voter code
assigned to that individual under the program instead of by
the voter's name and reflect the Address Confidentiality
Program address assigned to the voter.__The list of absentee
voters must be sorted so that the program participants
appear at the end of the list and must be printed on a
separate page of the list.__The portion of the list of
absentee voters relating to Address Confidentiality Program
participants must be kept under seal and excluded from
public inspection.

B. The clerk shall submit this list of absentee voters to
the registrar for certification of the registration status
and, when applicable, the enrollment status of the voters.
The registrar shall certify the list either before or as
soon as possible after the ballot is issued to the voter.
The certifications must be completed before the absentee
ballots may be processed and cast on election day.

C. The clerk shall also keep a list of the 3rd persons
designated in applications or written requests to whom
absentee ballots are sent or delivered under subsection 1
and of the number of absentee ballots sent or delivered to
them. This list of 3rd person ballot carriers must include
telephone numbers for contacting the 3rd persons.

D. Within 20 days after each election, the clerk shall send a
report to the Secretary of State stating the total number

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