LD 1637
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LR 2346
Item 1

F.__One representative of a service center community
recommended by the Maine Service Centers Coalition or its
successor organization, appointed by the Governor.

2.__Review panel duties.__The review panel established in
subsection 1 shall:

A.__ Determine whether each eligible applicant for a
cooperative services grant or planning grant meets the
eligibility criteria under section 6205 and provide written
notice to that applicant of its eligibility determination;

B.__In accordance with the request for proposals issued
under section 6209, review and rank proposals from
applicants eligible for cooperative services grants and
planning grants under section 6205 against the funding
criteria defined in section 6207 and award cooperative
services grants or planning grants to proposals that best
meet the funding criteria in section 6207 subject to
availability of funding.

Prior to issuing the request for proposals as provided in section
6209, the department shall consult with the review panel, which
may suggest criteria for consideration by the department.

§6209.__Request for proposals

No later than November 1st of each year, the department shall
issue a request for proposals in accordance with the Bureau of
General Services Rules, Chapter 110 that includes the schedules
for submission and action on applications for grants under this
chapter; procedures for scoring and ranking those applications;
and procedures and information requirements related to
application submissions.__The department shall provide reasonable
notice to all eligible applicants about the availability of the
fund and the solicitation of grant proposals.

§6210. Report

By October 1st of each year, the department shall provide an
annual report to the Intergovernmental Advisory Group established
by Title 5, section 12004-I, subsection 75-C and to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
state and local government matters.__The annual report must:

1.__Itemize disbursements.__Itemize disbursements from and
indicate the current balance of the fund;

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