LD 1637
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LR 2346
Item 1

§6207.__Funding criteria

1. Planning grants.__In evaluating and ranking an application
for a planning grant, the review panel established under section
6208 shall consider whether the technical assistance and
facilitation for which assistance is sought is reasonably likely
to result in development and subsequent submission of a proposal
for a qualifying project; the projected estimate of the aggregate
reduction in the demand for property tax revenue; and other
related factors in accordance with a request for proposals issued
by the department under section 6209.

2.__Cooperative services grants.__In evaluating and ranking
each application for a cooperative services grant, the review
panel established under section 6208 shall consider the aggregate
reduction in the demand for property tax revenue in the
geographical region covered by the municipalities, counties and
regional government subdivisions cooperating in the qualifying
project, the chance of success of the project and the ability to
replicate the efficiency achieved by the project in other
regions; and other related factors in accordance with a request
for proposals issued by the department under section 6209.

§6208. Review panel; review and decision on grant applications

1.__Composition of review panel.__A review panel is
established consisting of the following members:

A.__The Director of the State Planning Office within the
Executive Department or the director's designee;

B.__The commissioner or the commissioner's designee;

C.__A representative of the Department of Economic and
Community Development, appointed by the Governor;

D.__One representative of a county or regional government
subdivision recommended by a statewide organization
representing counties or regional service providers,
appointed by the Governor;

E.__Two representatives of municipal government, recommended
by the Maine Municipal Association, who currently serve or
formerly served as municipal officers or chief
administrative officials of municipalities, with one
representing a rural community with a population of less
than 4,000 and one representing a suburban community with a
population of 4,000 or more, appointed by the Governor; and

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