LD 2051
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LR 3193
Item 1

Resolve, To Name the New Bridge in Augusta Spanning the Kennebec River "Cushnoc Crossing"

Sec. 1. Cushnoc Crossing. Resolved: That the new bridge in Augusta connecting Interstate 95 to Route 3 and crossing the Kennebec River north of the Father Curran Bridge be named "Cushnoc Crossing"; and be it further

Sec. 2. Signs erected. Resolved: That the Department of Transportation shall erect signs in both directions of access to the bridge that indicate the name under section 1.


This resolve names the new bridge in Augusta that connects Interstate 95 to Route 3 and crosses the Kennebec River north of the Father Curran Bridge and directs the Department of Transportation to erect signs that indicate the name of the new bridge.

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